234 E. Seventh St. hits the market for $6.7 million (Commercial Observer)
About the Bum Phillips opera at LaMama (Deadspin)
RIP King Glassware on the Bowery (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
Can NYU ever make peace with its Village neighbors? (Curbed)
A record sale at 151 Bowery (BoweryBoogie)
Details on the Triangle Fire Tribute Concert (The Lo-Down)
… and via the EVG inbox...

Surrealist painter Wayne Krall shows his latest works this Sunday at his spring art show "Collage By Krall" at dba bar. Krall, who has lived in the East Village the past 25 years, tends bar at dba, and has worked at many infamous watering hotels in the neighbourhood including Milano's, Banjo Jim's and the Mars Bar. This upcoming show features new works where he incorporates collage into his paintings. The show and opening is one day only from 2-7pm(?) at dba, 41 First Ave.
I love collages. Nice one.
East Village Corner