Monday, April 7, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Flower shopping outside Key on Avenue A]

RIP Leee Black Childers (This Ain't the Summer of Love ... artlyst)

The 9th Precinct gets a new commanding officer (The Lo-Down)

Angel Orensanz Foundation may reopen next week (DNAinfo)

I like this photo that Miss Heather took on Avenue A! (New York Shitty)

The always reliable Manatus closes on Bleecker (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Some now-and-then shots of Broadway and East 12th Street (Flaming Pablum)

Expansion in the works for Epstein's Bar (BoweryBoogie)

...and from last night while waiting for the L at Union Square ... via Gothamist...

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