Sunday, April 13, 2014

King Tut evicted from tomb on East 8th Street

An EVG reader spotted this in the De Colores Community Yard & Cultural Center on East Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C…

Word here is that his tomb is being converted into a 3-bedroom apartment with roof deck. Per the Streeteasy listing, the apartment will feature "high-hat lighting, exposed brick and old world charm."


  1. First Schwimmer and now Steve Martin?!? The last thing this neighborhood needs is another "wild and craaaaazy guy!"

  2. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.April 13, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    So long as the Viking stove is so huge it makes the rest of the kitchen unusable.

  3. "He's my favorite honky."

  4. Based on the comments below, I feel like I'm missing out on some major (pop) cultural reference here.

  5. @Anon. 8:51, refs 1 and 3 are to the 1970s Steve Martin song "King Tut". Ref 2, no idea, sorry!

  6. Glad to see my creation has been reincarnated on EV Grieve. I painted this sarcophagus for the haunted Egyptian pyramid we built in De Colores Community Yard for Halloween 2012, a few days before Hurricane Sandy hit and foiled our plans. This past Sunday during a garden cleanup I found poor Tut in pieces, like Osiris after Seth got through with him. That's the downside of community gardening - when someone dismantles something you've created in a collective space. I didn't say anything until now, though. Nobody wants to be a scold. Thank you, EV Grieve, for re-membering Tut and documenting my art.


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