There's new condo life for that concrete and cinderblock tower on Great Jones and Lafayette. Once conceived as a hotel back in the heady years of 2007-2009, the building has sat dormant for years … while changing ownership and what not.
The Commercial Observer had an update yesterday on 22 Bond Street aka 25 Great Jones Street, noting that developers are transitioning the unfinished building into six condo units.
Here's a look at a rendering…

Find more history of this project at Curbed.
Speaking of history, here's what Great Jones and Lafayette looked like in 1935…

Previously on EV Grieve:
Your chance to buy a boutique hotel on Great Jones
Looked a hell of a lot better in 1935. And how is that giant Soviet-style turd - um, I mean, building - going to contain only SIX condos?!?
I'll take an order of French Toast, side of home fries, coffee. Thank you.
really only 3 out of 6 of the buildings in the picture have changed. I think that's pretty cool. if we can continue to make room for more people who want to live here as is necessary but maintain that much of the old architecture I'm happy.
Some credit seems do to the architects for keeping the building's front (not the set back part) inline with the existing buildings. I hate when building (usually hotels) are built with some cheesy space for flag pole and a couple of planters.
Actually that's the law in the zone, too maintain 'street wall'. in other areas, chelsea for example, one can set the entrance back from the street and receive a zoning bonus.
On damn. Thought it was a Woman's Prison.
Anybody know what that is on the corner in the old photo? I can't figure it out.
That looks like one of the old train cars they used to put on street corners and turn into diners. Either that or the aliens had landed, but since they landed in New York, nobody noticed or cared.
Does anyone else remember Great Jones Diner that was on this corner until about 2000?
i print out pictures like that 1935 one, and then give them to the stores that are there today. just cheapo laserjet paper prints. great fun!
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