Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today in ghost signage

[April 1]

Jeez, how did we miss this? (Please don't answer the question. We're very sensitive.) Two weeks back Molly at the International told us about the ghost signage that workers found (and subsequently dropped) at the Golden Food Market on First Avenue and East Seventh Street.

Apparently, workers found another old sign … this was preserved … and is now hanging up on the market's south-facing wall…

So the East 7th Deli came after the Warsaw Bakery… anyone remember the place?

Thanks to newly deputized EVG Ghost Signage Correspondent ~evilsugar for this tip.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Warsaw Bakery sign makes a brief reappearance on First Avenue


  1. I think it was still East 7th Deli in '85 when I was wandering the streets looking for an apt I could afford.

  2. why thank you! i could not be more proud to be the Barney Fife of Ghost Signage, EV Division!


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