Just a quick check in at 536 E. 13th St. west of Avenue B, where work has passed the 5-floor mark… on the way to 6. Approved plans call for six residential units (presumably condos?).
The rendering looks like …

It hasn't always been easy at the site… development here stalled out in 2009 … DOB records showed that the construction then caused cracks in the foundation at the adjacent building.
A former next-door neighbor shared this with us back in December 2009:
I lived on the second floor of 530 East 13th until last January. Ours was the apartment with the terrace overlooking this "space". There were three huge trees which gave a beautiful dappled effect on a sunny day. Then in August '08 the so-called construction began. I came home from work one day to discover that all three trees had been felled. Work stalled almost immediately, but by then it was too late, and our apartment became infested with rodents almost overnight. I disposed of 11 mice between August and December (and those were just the ones I caught).
Previously on EV Grieve:
Your chance to own a stalled project lot on East 13th Street
A dormant construction site on East 13th Street
The future residents will have balconies facing the city owned building which has cinder blocked window, a fallen drain pipe and is covered with hideous graffiti. They will also enjoy the drunken 20 somethings conversations at 3 am when they hang out on the balconies at 533 E 12th street.
I have never seen so many rats as there are in front of the Medical Clinic next door. On a dry summer night, they literally spillover from the open trash cans like a waterfall. The Center doesn't seem to care. No effort is made to clean up. That, plus the center's facade--which was painted by "artist" Chico in the post-'68 riot, Puerto Rican Ghetto style--should make this property quite a draw.
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