Friday, June 13, 2014

A comment from the Cadillac with the Tiger in it

[Photo from the going-away party this past Saturday]

As you might know, the 1978 Cadillac Sedan Deville — aka, the Cadillac with the Tiger in it — has left its 22-year-home on East Second Street.

Ernest, who works nearby as a custodian, is the proud new owner. This past Saturday, the owner of the Cadillac with the Tiger in it presented the car to Ernest.

Since then, several people have asked how things were going. We don't really know, though the Cadillac with the Tiger in it left this comment on Wednesday night:

I thank all of you who have expressed interest in my stories. I made it safely to my new location and Ernest is taking good care of us. Soon I will update you all with photos and info about the farewell gathering, which was wonderful. But the tiger and I need to rest a little first — we've had a long journey and a lot of excitement the past week!

Previously on EV Grieve:
That Cadillac that we've long admired on East 2nd St. now has a stuffed tiger on the front seat

And now, stories from the Cadillac with the Tiger in it on East 2nd Street

And now, another story from the Cadillac with the Tiger in it on East 2nd Street

Alas, the end is near for the Cadillac with the Tiger in it on East 2nd Street

Everything that you wanted to know about the Cadillac with the Tiger in it

Also! The Cadillac with the Tiger in it now has its on website. Find that here.

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