Wednesday, June 4, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[St. Mark's Place rooftop photo by Ricky Knapp]

The hawk nest is getting crowded on the Christodora House (Gog in NYC)

Details on the Lower East Side Film Festival (The Lo-Down)

A gym for the former Plantworks space on East Fourth Street? (BoweryBoogie)

Remembering when Andy Warhol was shot (Off the Grid)

A look inside The Black Ant, now open on Second Avenue (Gothamist)

Where you can get the mozzarella from Joe's Dairy as a retail customer (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Manhattan's first ambulance (Ephemeral New York)

The Astroland Rocket is back at Coney Island! (Amusing the Zillion)

Patti Smith on Tom Snyder's classic "Tomorrow Show" (Dangerous Minds)

Chinatown at night (Animal NY)

... and tomorrow evening, via the EVG inbox...

Underground Soho presents "People of New York: 1990-1991" These 8 ft. pencil drawings by Michal Sedaka Perry are not to be missed. Michal moved to New York from Israel in 1989 and took pictures of people she found interesting in the street. This series originally showed at the Klarfeld Perry Gallery on Broome Street in 1991. Underground Soho is located at 83 Mercer St. (between Spring and Broome).


  1. People of New York > Humans of New York

  2. In 1980 I found a first edition paperback of Valerie Solanas' seminal work, “The SCUM Manifesto”, in the trash on 11th and A, where the 7-11 is now. (A portent of things to come?) One of my most prized possessions.

  3. I don't even have to look at the page to know that I am gonna love "chinatown at night".


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