Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The latest issue of The Shadow is now available

Look for NYC's only underground newspaper at the following locations:

• The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS): 155 Avenue C
• Gem Spa: St. Mark's Place/Second Avenue
• Saint Mark's Bookshop: 31 Third Ave. (East Ninth Street)
• East Village Books: 99 St. Mark's Place (Avenue A-First Avenue)
• Revolution Books: 146 W. 26th St. (Sixth-Seventh Avenues)
• Bluestockings: 172 Allen St. (Stanton Street)
• INK: 66 Avenue A (East Fourth - Fifth Streets)
• Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books: 34 Carmine St.
• Kamara Deli: East Fifth + Avenue A
• The Source: 331 East Ninth St.

The issue includes an essay on Hyper-Gentrification by Jeremiah Moss

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