[Photo from July 18]
An EV reader has a follow-up to our July 19 post "Beware ATM Skimming these Beware ATM Skimming signs say."
It seems as if a friend and I were both taken by this scam recently. We've both woken up to fraud alerts from Chase in the past week that our debit cards have been used elsewhere in the City.
Given that we both reside in Alphabet City, frequent the same places, and were still in possession of our cards, it suggests that it was indeed a scamming operation to steal the card data and produce dummy cards. Chase confirmed as much over the phone when I spoke with them. I'm very careful about using my card, so wherever the operation is it must be pretty stealth. We think it happened somewhere along Avenue C.
Mom and Pop strike again!
Is Associated Mom and Pop?
Did it happen at a Chase ATM or a third-party one?
The troll strikes again. Daft and clueless, SMDH.
I only use bank ATMs. Using a generic ATM is begging to get hosed. Remember that guy who got murdered whose job was to refill ATMs, and he'd drive around with bundles of money on the front seat of his car - these nonbankATMs are all half assed.
In the last few months they have been finding skimmers inside of Chase branch ATMs in Manhattan and in Brooklyn. They put a skimmer on the card reader on the door which buzzes you in, then use a camera over the ATM to record your PIN number. So Chase ATMs are not safe either. You need to pull on the card reader on the door and on the ATM machine to see if they come off easily, and cover the keypad with your other hand when entering the PIN number.
The "skimming" that the sign describes happens at ATMs. When Grieve first posted this story, the comments were all about credit card fraud that occurred at "mom and pop" stores, not ATMs. It's possible that this one occurred at an ATM, but it's also possible that it occurred at a bodega/restaurant/bar, the kinds of places that line Avenue C. Given that there are more of these establishments than there are ATMs, my money is on mom and pop, whom everyone knows to be notorious thieves.
And you, shmnyc, are a notorious troll. Why don't you go back under the bridge you call home and leave humanity alone? We have enough problems without your pathetic attempts at shit-stirring.
I only use bank ATMs and still was victim of identity theft. I don't get paper statements, and I don't use the debit card for ANY purchases - online or real world.
Thus it must have been that my card was skimmed at a bank ATM.
- East Villager
I had my bank card number taken at the CHASE at Astor Place. They got the password/pin wrong though and shut down my card.
SMDPSHT As usual you're distorting the truth. Nobody said Mom and Pop shop, they said local, as in locally located. Walgreens, Petco, CVS, etc are all local and not online retailers such as Amazon.
Notorious thieves? You smoking rock?
SMDMBFK strikes again!
I'm changing my Chase card's PIN right now...
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