[Random trash photo — NOT the trash mentioned below]
An EVG reader shared this email with the subject line "Left items from transitional suburban students"
"I go out back to put my recycling in the bin, and there are mounds of crap this month's brats have left behind. Feeling badly for our super, I attempt to sort everything into glass, paper, trash, etc.
Among other items I found: 1 $20 Starbucks card, 1 $18 MasterCard gift card, a Metro Card, several travel toiletries, 1 French nail kit, etc.
My point — we could make a list of places these kids could be giving this stuff to.
The reader sent a follow-up note:
"I found out the Metro Card had $7.50 left on it during my trip to work!"
Actually this stuff or at least most of it came from the bookstore on 12th street, I saw it being left there, it was picked up this morning by sanitation.
So, the lesson of all of this is:
When in doubt, blame the transitional suburban students.
We all need a scape goat, right?
I am the one who found these items and as tempting as it is to scape goat the obvious, I did not. I saw the garbage being tossed , and my REAL point was perhaps we give these young veal a chance and list the places they can be donated. I don't think they realize that toiletry kits and blankets and towels are truly appreciated by less fortunate neighbors. And TBT I enjoy saying "dirty Hippie" and "suburban brats". I say both in jest because I think there is a little bit of hippie, brat, bro, etc in all of us.(ok, maybe not Bro)
Now, lighten up. Francis.
Oh, anon 8:24, stop saying "actually". It's just so douchey. And, because you were wrong, the picture was not from the story, it sounded more condescending and arrogant. File that with "really?" and ending statement sentences as if they are questions.
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