Friday, September 5, 2014

[Updated] Noted

Spotted on the R stop at Eighth Street and Broadway this morning by @davidsokol

Real? Fake? Who knows! We didn't spot any @jesswi94 on Twitter…

Updated 5:02 p.m.

Oh, she has a Twitter account now…


  1. Poor attempt at humor or guerrilla marketing or anything.

  2. A script page which fell out of next summer's college comedy staring one of those 30 year old actors that which is still trying to pass for 19. You know who you are Josh.

  3. Ken from Ken's KitchenSeptember 5, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    That gets a zero.

  4. What a soulless, emotionally and creatively bankrupt attempt at humor. Insult to humanity. Karmically this is worse than the worst advertisement you are subjected to in a subway. At least advertisers pay for their shit and contribute to an economy. This sort of nonsense does nothing for anybody. All it does is irritate.

  5. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.September 5, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    That's pretty bad satire.

  6. David St. Hubbins: It's such a fine line between stupid, and uh... Nigel Tufnel: Clever.

  7. This is what happens when you let our educational standards collapse into the abyss. Art died first, and comedy soon followed. Whoever did this was even too lazy to set up a fake twitter account under that handle.


  9. Obviously it's fake, but the comments here are pretty damn sad. I know humor is subjective but I suppose only EV Grieve commentators are allowed to anonymously make fun of the frat culture you're always bitching and crying about.

  10. 1:07 pm is @jesswi94.

  11. Ugh, the proper expression is 'drunk as Cooter Brown.' Cooter was, according to popular lore here in Virginia, a draft age male who was drafted by both the Union and the confederates. He resolved to stay dead drunk for the entire war to avoid being a soldier. The story is of course apocryphal. Living in Richmond, I actually use this expression from time to time.

  12. Like I really like like you like you know like maybe wanna like get a drink n like maybe fuck like you wanna like do that?

    Let's play the "like" game where you like write the word "like" as many times as you like want to.

  13. 1:07 truth hurts baby

  14. Too bad she hasn't taken a new photo in two years.

  15. If you can't handle criticism over a crappy gag flyer, do yourself a favor and quit now.

  16. It's probably a dude trying to bait a frat boy into Catfish...

  17. Gee that is the first Twitter page I've ever looked at, oh and the last.

  18. My guess is it's either humor or part of a guerilla marketing campaign for a film or a web series or something.

  19. Had the idiot who posted this flyer spent just two minutes more than the time it took them to type this on their Samsung Galaxy phablet, they would have at least set up a funny page on the twitter handle with a few relevant or funny tweets, and a link to their viral marketing idea.

    But there's only one retweet of a Victorias Secret ad and two followers, along with a fake profile pic they copied from facebook If this a gueriilla marketing campaign they better go get a new guerilla.

    Mo, meet Ron. Oh, I see you guys already know each other.

  20. Thin skinned millenials want to ruin comedy too? Ugh.

  21. The comments here are so bitter. Probably the worst on the internet. Really hateful venomous stuff. If you're responsible for it, take a deep breath and think about how you're reacting to the world. It's not good for you.

  22. Learn the meaning of the word hate Betty Bad Writer lol.

  23. Oh yes, the “haters” line. Give us all real New Yorkers (and you don't have to be born here to be one) a frigging break. Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Chris Rock, Joan Rivers, Amy Schumer, Red Foxx, Rodney Dangerfield, Tracy Morgan, Eddie Murphy, etc., etc. For God's sake, C.K. Lewis punched out a woman for tickling him in one of his TV show scenes. We bitch, we complain about this way too fucking short life but we always laugh at the BS we must endure especially in the Bro Hell that the EV has become. And guess who comes through in the clutch when the shit hits the fan. We do. You think this blog is tough, go to the blog and see the reaction you’ll get if you post this whining crap there. This is what New York is all about, it’s called “woofing”, giving it and taking it. Boo Hoo.

  24. Crazy. Eddie. For. The. Win!

    Crazy Eddie: His prices are In-Sane!

  25. Haters is what they call you when they can't muster up a remotely articulate response to valid critism. It's the white flag of the six year old.

  26. When did we start allowing people from the Deep South like Alabama into NYC? Go home you not welcome3.


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