Terrible news out of the Park this afternoon via Goggla … The leaning elm (aka, bendy tree) in the middle of the Park has been found to be "structurally unsound" … and it "poses a danger to the public."
So it will have to be removed.
RIP, bendy tree.
We've lost so many trees in TSP over the last few years, that I wonder if I can even call it a park anymore :-(
I hope there are plans to replace it with another tree. You can't just take trees down, you gotta put them up! Sad news, but obviously we don't want a tree falling on a kid playing catch with his dad. But, I repeat, put up another tree!
Brad Burgess
Executive Producer
The Living Theatre
It is quite sad, but trees can't last forever. They should find a budding, strong, new one, from anywhere USA, and plant it with a huge celebration! Use the old tree to make benches and art and happiness. Long live Tompkins!
As long as it falls on you Anonymouse @ 3:31 I have no qualms with your "complaint"... there are plenty of trees in the park still and psst; its not a secret that trees can not only be replaced by either transplanting a grown one or [shocking] actually having a new one grow in its place.
Thats of course until some hipster dooooooosh bag decides he needs to chain his fixie to it.
Aw crap! 💩
This is ridiculous! The only option for a tree like this is not to kill it!!!
Let's demand that they come up with an option that can save it. An obvious option is to secure it with a brace of some sort.
The job of the Parks department should be to save trees, and only kill them as a last resort. This tree has been a defining feature of this park for decades. It is irreplaceable.
Sonuvabitch. The elms hurt the most thanks to their rarity...
The only way to keep this tree in place until its eventual downfall would be to fence it off and basically shut off a huge portion of the park, including the benches yo see in the background...
So no, that ain't gonna happen and the usual idiots who aren't arborist will come here claiming arborcide or some other bullshit like that
It was secured last two years with a brace. The old hardwoods take decades to grow quite a few lost to disease and storms these last five years lack of proper pruning has not helped the situation. Like to see planted some white ash and Oak trees the Elm is beautiful but hard to remain disease free. Park needs a new renovation program as well.
My neighbor on the First Floor is bendy too. She has osteoporosis. Does that make her "structurally unsound?" Does that mean she "poses a danger to the public?" If the Parks Dept says "yes," I guess she'll be "removed" too. So long Edna!
Typical- this is what concerns you about TSP - not the animal abusing crusties or the homeless who live in the park. A tree - Can't the city plant new/more trees?
No. Not mature trees.
Can't it be made sound, perhaps a cruch at the bend?!
The ho's and bros are more of a danger to my health and well being can we cut them down insted?
The tree is already supported artificially with a steel cable attached to the neighboring tree, without which it would surely have fallen years ago. This is a tragedy for the park, but I guess the only other solution would be to build a steel brace from the bend to the ground to keep the tree from sagging more and possibly bringing its neighbor down with it. Really too bad.
If HDG Swami Prabhupada had chosen this guy rather than its neighbor as the locus for chanting the Maha Mantra back in 1966, might the benefits of proximity to the powerful sankirtana have prolonged it's health, and life?
Still this one was pretty darn close, so I say, probably not.
But possibly.
They need to have slapped that tree with a corporate logo, maybe CitiTree, for it to be safe.
I hear they're moving it in the West Village to straighten it out it'll be known as The Straight Elm Tree.
moe, It was exactly that that killed it. Look how the bendy tree is trying to move away from the krishna tree. ISKCON money helps support the fascist BJP in India.
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