Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Capturing the lunar eclipse before it 'sank into the haze'

East Village resident and astronomy buff Felton Davis set the alarm early to capture the lunar eclipse.

He shared the following:

"Magnificent pre-dawn spectacle at Battery Park, with enormous cloud banks passing over the full moon, but occasionally parting to show the progress of the eclipse. Had to hold my hands over the tripod to keep the camera from shaking in the cold wind coming down the Hudson. The first shadow appeared at about 4:45 a.m., and the moon darkened steadily until it was no more than a sliver, and sank into the haze at 6:15 a.m."

And what about the blood moon the media is taking about today?

"There was no reddish or turquoise moon over the Hudson, just silver and grey, and most of the time behind the clouds."

Our next shot at a blood moon is April 4, 2015.


  1. I love this.
    East Village Corner

  2. Thank you, Mr. Davis for your dedication and skill. Your photographs are beautiful.



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