[Photo by Derek Berg]
According to various published reports, REQX Ventures has purchased Citi Bike from Alta Bicycle Share.
The sale will likely see the price of annual memberships rise from $95 to about $145, though that number has yet to be confirmed.
Per Capital New York, REQX Ventures is run by people affiliated with Related Companies — developer of the Time Warner Center and Hudson Yards — and its subsidiary Equinox.
$145 is still a great price.
I already renewed, so I'm good till this time next year!
$145 is a great price. Isn't that more in line with worldwide bicycle share programs?
Hope it makes this system survive and thrive.
Also, let's get rid of the ugly Citi logos...and hope the new logos will be understated in comparison.
- East Villager
I'm shocked, shocked to find that EVT has an annual membership with Citi Bike.
Here's the ad they used on Craigslist to sell the CitiBike program:
For sale, cheap: 1 very glitchy bike rental system, 6000 used bikes, many in need of repair, and a few hundred broken bike racks, free on street parking included. City has agreed to a 50% annual price increase if you promise to fix the glitches and never ask for a government bailout or any special favors ever again. Buyer must promise to finally expand program to uptown Manhattan and outer boroughs within the next decade if not sooner. Must also hire more workers to rapidly fix bikes and shovel snow which previous owner neglected to do. Any reasonable offer accepted. Management and rechargeable batteries not included.
Citibike is perfect for those times when your destination is too far to walk and you're not in a "subway-kinda-mood." $145 I'll gladly drop!
Is the correct pronunciation of REQX REALLY wrecks?
And there is a pernicious rumor goin' round that it's actually Giovani who is purchasing the system......said they heard a radio ad with the tagline
"If you gotta go....
Go Gi-Gi-Gi-GIO!".
....and that he was running a logo contest. Hoping that Ralph Steadman submits something radical.
Citibike is perfect for those times when the well-to do white person's destination is too far to walk and they're not in a "subway-kinda-mood." and has $145 to drop as if it is just pocket change to them. The rest -- senior citizens, handicapped, working class, etc. -- unfortunately, would just have to subway it up even if they're not in a "subway-kinda-mood." Good to be rich and white in East Village Today.
The corporate shilling in this thread is ridiculous!
I love swamp ass! I love CitiBike!
I really wish the city would just expand or improve the subway system instead of this absurdity. And not in two decades. In a practical and reasonable amount of time. The subway lines are absolutely horrible and inconvenient because that's literally how they were designed back in the day. Imagine if you could just take the subway anywhere you wanted to go, in a reasonable amount of time, with a reasonable amount of transfers, and with a reasonable amount of walking. Isn't that how it should be? Literally the last thing this city needs is more street and sidewalk traffic. Jesus christ.
If you take the subway to work every day, then you can afford $145
Well aren't you just a happy little obediant snipe
So yeah, I said "subway-kinda-mood" earlier and I'm not rich nor white, I'm an black artist/delivery boy/ bar back with plenty of debt but I'm good with my money? 7:46 I do understand that not everyone is in a situation to drop $145/year but that's far from my point... the system has worked for me so why would I speak ill of it? It's awesome!
Also, Giovanni... I know you think its funny to make fun of the citibike system (I've noticed you often like to comment on this) but be honest... are you even a subscriber or occasional user? I know you like to goof and say that the bikes are crappy, but I'm telling you... the bikes are fine! Occasionally there are issues... but there's so many available docks that after using it for ~1.5 years I can tell you I have literately never encountered a problem that's lasted more than 5 minutes.
Are you just nay-saying for the sake of nay-saying?
Anon 2:40 asks Giovanni:
"Are you just nay-saying for the sake of nay-saying?"
It is not humanly possible to give any answer other than "nay."
"If you take the subway to work every day, then you can afford $145"
And if plants need water to grow, how come you don't see plants growing out of a toilet bowl?
Only fitting that a company affiliated with a real estate developer would be purchasing this alternative mode of transportation for the young white affluent gentrifier.
Here is how to renew your Citi Bike membership now to avoid the upcoming price hike
Amazing how many contrarians see no problem paying to advertise one of the most predatory companies ever. http://www.innercitypress.org/citi.html
Usually, the charity rides are scheduled for few days from year to year though it does not require any particular order.
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