Sunday, October 26, 2014

Humans nature

We're sorry that we missed the last free concert in Tompkins Square Park for the year... we wanted to see Dawn of Humans (and all the bands!) ... so we borrowed these Dawn of Humans photos from Slum Goddess via Facebook...


  1. Of course, unelected and therefore UNACCOUNTABLE "Quality of Life" nazi Susan Stetzer made an appearance early on in an effort to shut the show down.

    Though Stetzer holds NO political office and has NO authority whatsoever, she claimed that residents along Seventh Street had called HER on a SUNDAY afternoon to complain about the sound level. (She has made this claim for YEARS, but whenever PROOF is demanded by the NYPD and Parks Dept., she provides NOTHING!!)

    Unfortunately for Herr Stetzer, the DEP agents that she requested to be present (funny how they come for NO OTHER SHOWS in the park that Stetzer happens to like!) metered the sound levels, which were not over the limit established by the DEP.

    Having FAILED, Herr Stetzer retreated to her luxury co-op apt at Third Street + Avenue A. The show continued and everyone had a GREAT time.

    Imagine THAT....

  2. concerts such as this that bring out 30 people should be canceled, its a family park and nothing about these "hard core rock" concerts contribute to society

  3. Hey Fashion By He,

    Why are you so uptight? Relax. It's a big Park. And these occasional shows are cool for the kids — one of the unique things about raising a child in this neighborhood.

    Do you have kids? Was your family put out yesterday?

    I didn't think so.

    Also, I looked at your website. Classy. Please tell me how butt shots of women in bikinis contributes to society?

  4. lol this Fashion By He guy is terrible.........

  5. "its a family park and nothing about these "hard core rock" concerts contribute to society"

    Yet, Fashion by Huh? thinks that Santa Con contributes to society and the East Village today, and he's all for Santaconners roaming, WOOOOO-ing and vomiting in the park.

  6. Dawn of Humans are awesome; bummed I miss this! nice day for a show too.

  7. I love these concerts in the park as they are not sponsored by corporations and the real estate and nightlife industry that are running peoples lives. I would add that I didn't see much boozing or smoking going on either - these folks attending this show were much more well behaved then the idiots I bumped into roaming the streets on Saturday evening. Staggering drunk and shouting for cabs.

  8. This weekend, Tompkins Square Park was host to two events that really show the decadence of NYC culture: the Halloween dog parade, and this "concert".

  9. Tompkins Square Park is for EVERYBODY, folks. There's something for ALL of us, whether you like one thing more or less than other....

  10. Fashion was just mad when he tried to snap some ass shots of unsuspecting girls they threatened to knock his teeth out.

  11. I'm disappointed I didn't make it out for this. But, I was desperately using the weekend to continue replacing just about every single thing in my apartment after 2/3rds of the ceilings got re-done and painted. I'm not done yet, but at least I can cook at home now...first time was Saturday after a lacuna of 2 weeks. Damn that was an expensive 2 weeks.

    Hey, Fashion: What's not family friendly about an all-ages show?

    It's more family friendly than my kid being woken by the Frat-Hell parties new neighbors down the block seem to love throwing on a regular basis. I find the hardcore scene way more protective of kids than those shitheads.

  12. I'll take these concerts over a bunch of white yuppies dressing themselves and their pure breeds in silly costumes. At least the people going to see the punk rock show are doing it because they want to, most of those dogs looked like they were in pain.

  13. I always have mixed feelings about these park shows. It's so hard to find some peaceful place to go and take in a little green and these events definitely ruin that possibility. At the same time, we need art and music in places where anyone can go. I've left the park on many a lovely day when I wanted to sit outside and chill because of these events- it was just so loud and irritating. But there were big crowds of other people loving it. I dunno. It's NY, I guess. No peace and quiet allowed here. I'm just so glad I don't live on 7th street! Maybe they could have advertized, designated quiet days in the park as well as punk rock days...?

  14. To Chris Flash who said "Tompkins Square Park is for EVERYBODY, folks. There's something for ALL of us, whether you like one thing more or less than other..."

    To be fair, when one person's "something" in the park infringes on another person's ability to do their "something" in the park, it is problematic. One person's desire for a quiet nap on the lawn can't happen when another person is using the park for a loud concert- because, let's be honest, it really does take over the whole place. On those days, the park is really only for those who are into the concert, and not "everyone". To write someone off who is really truly bothered by the noise is just not cool. Nor would it be cool for the concerts to be ended. There has to be balance and respect for each other.

    I do think a public park that is kept up with taxpayer money needs to honor what the majority wants...and 30 people doesn't sound like a majority to me.

  15. Man....I heard that Taylor Swift was tryin' to change her image.....but THIS?

  16. I'd say there was a couple hundred people, not 30.

    Once you say you can't have the punk shows because some people don't want them - then some other people can say they don't want the Jazz Fest or HOWL or the movies or Christian concerts or any other form of art.

    The park has a long history of entertainment and political events in that circle. Rock concerts going back as far as the 1960's. The bandshell was demolished & there was supposed to be a free stage supplied for events after the park re-opened. Its on record but never materialized.

    Like a lot of other parks in the City ... the people who tend to hate on any kind of concerts or noise tend to be the people who seem to have 'more'. This is just my opinion from what I've personally seen. They can afford the high rents in the area that are displacing poorer people or artists that bring a certain culture to the neighborhood. Now they want to erase more culture because they want nap time. I get pissed sometimes when I can't sleep as there's 3 bars on my block and you can hear the music & drunk bro's WOOO'ing like they were in right your building. I've never called 311 on them.

    In closing - I loved the punk show and I loved the dog show. Wanted my mom to bring her dog down there. The park is for families, the park is for punx, the park is for yuppies, the park is for so much more than those small factions. Let people have a good time.

    Punk concerts that happen for 4 hours at a time a couple times a year is not taking up most of your potential grassy nap time.


  17. If you want to complain about things that take over the park, how about that idiotic dog parade. Dogs roaming around everywhere, pissin and crappin everywhere, sniffing each others butts, with their ridiculously dressed adults in tow. Or actually worse the hockey league, if you could call what they play hockey that takes over an entire section of the park all day, every Sunday for months. Those people hooting and hollering and running around whacking at a rubber ball for hours. Of course the same demographic as the dog parade, white and affluent. One year they had the punks and the dog parade on the same day, but I guess the doggy people didn't want to rub elbows with the punkers anymore so . ..

  18. I'm mad because I was sleeping off my apple-tini hangover in the grass and this dog ran over and peed on me but it wasn't a dog it was actually a rat dressed up as a dog for Halloween. Or a hawk posing as a rat dressed up as a dog. Or a dog dressed up as a hawk dressing up as a rat for Halloween. Anyway, im just angry in general.


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