Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like …ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

EVG Facebook friend/photographer Michael Paul spotted these in the front windows at Dee & Dee on East 14th Street between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue…

Happy Easter.


  1. so can you celebrate christmas on october 25th, and get it over with?


  2. Die! Die! Die!

  3. Ooooooooooo! Halloween costume ideas.

  4. Hush, children. Calm down. I must admit its too fucking early for Christmas Trees and decorative junk. At least, let's wait until around Thanksgiving.

  5. Dude, did you really have to go and plant that fricin' song in my head?
    Thanks a lot :-(

  6. @ All of you. Yeah you- FUCK


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