Monday, October 27, 2014

NYC's 1st bar for pregnant women goes belly up on Avenue A

The month-long reign of this unfunny marketing campaign on Avenue A and East Fifth Street is over… so long to Gestations — "NYC's first bar for pregnant women"…

The ads for whatever the app was came down on Friday. The whole campaign seemingly came to a halt on Oct. 6, the last day that someone posted to the Gestations Facebook page…

Last we heard the long-empty storefront would soon be home to a veterinarian's office.

Previously on EV Grieve:
No, 'NYC's first bar for pregnant women' isn't opening on Avenue A

People behind Gestations still pretending to be opening a bar for pregnant women on Avenue A


  1. It was a handy intelligence test; the dumber the tourist, the more inclined they were to take a photo.

    Apologies to those readers who took a photo, well maybe.

  2. Your headline is better than their campaign.

  3. You mean they aborted thier infantile plan to get fetuses drunk?

    I'm betting this isn't the last time EVG uses the tag "Bars For Pregnant Women" in a story, but next time I'm hoping it's about the aftermath of a pregnant women's riot in Tompkins Square Park.

  4. In other 66 Avenue A news, we saw some guys inside Twist yesterday. Looked like they were pulling everything out of there. What a curious business (?) that was.

  5. Re Twist, truly a mystery. What was that? A CIA front? A bookie joint? Some kind of tax-write-off scam?

  6. This just in:

    On the northeast corner of Spring and Lafayette, an empty storefront now announces "Coming Soon: New York's First Bar For On-Duty Pilots." So the unfunny meme is continuing at another location.


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