Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pie Face leaves a note

The Pie Face on Fourth Avenue and East 13th Street quietly closed this past weekend. (Apparently several other locations closed as well.)

EVG Twitter friend @fnytv spotted a sign on the cafe's front door...

Pie Face opened last fall. I thought they sold pizza. Some commenters were equally confused:

Anonymous said...
Don't want to buy something with a name called pie face. It was lost in translation?

Pikachu de Gallo said...
Meat pies and coffee? Their business model was to give people the shits?


  1. I thought they sold breakfast pastries and dessert pies. Meat pies and coffee sounds disgusting.

  2. Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop
    Does a business, but I notice something weird
    Lately all her neighbors cats have disappeared
    Have to hand it to her, what I calls enterprise
    Popping pussies into pies

  3. You're welcome! I can't wait to walk all the way to the other side of town for something I was only mildly interested in in my own neighborhood.



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