Sunday, October 12, 2014

Touring the East Village on New Year's Day 1995

Our blogging friend Alex at Flaming Pablum came across this video the other day.

Highlights of this walk include The Gas Station, the performance space/art gallery on Avenue B at East Second Street (now an apartment building with a Duane Reade) and Eddie Boros' Tower of Toys (RIP 2008) in the Sixth Street & Avenue B Community Garden...


  1. The Junk Tower was appropriately named -- it certainly was a tower!

  2. Loved the gas station. What was the "artist's" name who used to bite off pigeon heads circa 1980 or so?

  3. A notable lack of brunching on those corners.

  4. I remember when The Gas Station was just a gas station. I also remember that The Gas Station was considered to be a gentrifying establishment.


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