On Saturday, EVG reader Mr. Baggs noticed a worker removing the remaining letters outside the former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office at 432 E. 14th St. near Avenue A.

As we noted last week, demolition permits are on file to bring down the post office and former Stuyvesant Stationery shop next door for some unspecified new development.
Previously on EV Grieve:
First sign of more development on East 14th Street?
Asbestos abatement to begin at former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office
Davey drill arrives ahead of rumored development at former East 14th Street post office
Former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office slated to be demolished
Maybe they could put them up at the new post office now, which still has no official signage, much less a mailbox outside for after-hours letters?
What about the garage where the post office trucks were behind this building on 13th street, noticed some work going on there and no trucks anymore. Any ideas? Are the buildings connected?
Anon - It's the same building, that was the loading dock.
Dang it, I wanted those letters.
I would prefer a starbucks or even 7-eleven to that old post office. I'll never forget innocently and unsuspectingly walking in there to mail a package, and coming out three hours later scarred for life.
Funny story, I was on line in a suburban post office this afternoon, 2 clerks, maybe 3 people on line, and the woman behind me was grousing about wasting so much time. I couldn't help myself, encouraged her to calm down, and suggested the bar across the street as a helpful place to unwind :-)
So you see... be it 14th St PO hell, or a 3 minute wait... it's all the same !
While the clerks that worked inside that place were slovenly rude and stupid beyond all comprehension, many of the carriers coming out of there were very nice folks that did their best to get the mail delivered. Perhaps the type that signs up to sit on their fat ass for 30 years and hatefully abuse the public every day, is cut from a different cloth than the type that chooses to get out on the street every day, heat cold snow sleet whatever that line is, and stroll around the neighborhood.
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