Just noting another phase of the reconstruction of Astor Place — the closure of the street between Lafayette and Cooper Square...

[Michael Paul Photography]
... which is yielding to an expanded Alamo plaza, as the rendering shows...

Last Wednesday, workers boarded up the Alamo to protect it during the construction phase...

[Michael Paul Photography]
Yes !
More space for people (Pedestrians) instead of machines (cars) !
Yes! More space for people to waste sitting and staring into their iPhones! Stupid cars serve no purpose!
Very exciting. Going through Astor Pl on my way to the subway every morning (and back in the evening) is the worst part of the commute.
Still not happy about the death star, but if the city can make this area more walkable (hopefully with many new trees), it will be a big improvement in my book.
Anon 7:25 AM:
Have you ever been to Astor Pl? The place is teeming with pedestrians and few cars go through the area being now closed off. Take your persecuted-car-owner mentality elsewhere.
Dont worry, some drunk lunatic figure out how to drive up onto this section of Astor Place again, hopefully he won't injure or kill as many people as the drug addict that crashed into EV Farm & Grocery on 2nd Avenue. Otherwise it's an improvement over the previous head-twisting 5-way traffic pattern.
Do we really need the street between Broadway and Lafayette now? Talk about obsolete. How about some grass and trees there? Lawn bowling? Beach volleyball? Mini-golf? Anything but a road.
It's good to see this moving along at a fast pace!
@Big Brother - well said about the iDiots...
Redistribution of dumb - the little food truck vendors will be displaced
How come the construction at Avenue A and Houston is taking 3 years and this is quickly under way?? I like this. Less cars in NYC = a good thing.
At the very least, the section between Lafayette and Broadway should become one-way with wider sidewalks. The east-bound lane is now just a U-turn for those who missed their turn onto 8th street.
Never drove on it.
This is good.
- East Villager
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