Per NY1:
With greater urgency this year, New York Cares is launching its 26th Annual Coat Drive.
The agency says it has received requests for 100,000 coats for men, women, and children.
Typically it collects 80,000.
Through December 31, donations of gently used, freshly laundered coats will be collected at hundreds of locations throughout the five boroughs including all NYPD precincts, New York Penn Station, Atlantic Avenue – Barclays Center, and Grand Central Terminal.
You may search for a drop-off location here. Around here you can take coats to the 9th Precinct at 321 E. Fifth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue ... or the Police Service Area 4 at 130 Avenue C at East Eighth Street.
This story wont get comments. The new ev doesn't care. Thanks for posting it though.
@anon. 8:42, what's to comment on? I've donated two coats over the years but it would never have occurred to me to leave a remark on this post until I saw your declaration. Care to elucidate?
I care, too. And thank you to this fine ev grieve blog for posting the annual reminder. The coat drive is a long-time nyc tradition. Stay warm, my friends.
Wow, anon 8.42, that's a dumb comment. "New" EV here, who donated 5 coats from my family over the last couple of years. Are you satisfied now? What else do you want people to post, our social security numbers?
Thanks for posting this. I have two coats to donate this year. It's great to know they will keep someone else warm.
I made the comment and its not a dumb one. This is the 6th comment. Other posts get 20-30 comments. I'm not surprised the angry comment was from the self-proclaimed 'new'
EV person. Little defensive eh? Maybe because you and your ilk are ruining the hood and don't give a fuck about the homeless and the poor you are displacing. Just upsetting how there are so many with so much cash to burn yet the coat drive has fallen short the last couple years. That's all. It just pisses me off. Maybe the folks who have time and money to 'save' some community center could turn those efforts to this effort or the Bowery Mission. As far as the person asking if I was satisfied- well if they reach the goal early and you and all the 'new' EV types leave town and never return. Thatd work for me. And this is the prime example of the tale of two cities. This is an example of what nyc is becoming. multi million dollar condos and food lines. That's the comment I though someone would make actually.
Anon 2.08p: Keep trying. I'm actually rent stabilized after I took my EV landlord to court because of illegal rent increases and won. Also organized a tenants association with my neighbors and am fighting the landlord for proper upkeep of our largely stabilized building. But yeah, sure, I, in a social service profession, who managed to bring my unit back into rent stabilization, am displacing the poor. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.
I'm only 5 yrs in the EV and I just dropped off 8 (some brand new) jackets to PSA 4. So much for your theory.
Dear Kimberly- very cool of you to donate. But you and the other commenter are the exception to the rule. Sorry. My comments are correct. Maybe if EV grieve could somehow work santacon or a specialty bookstore into this story it would get the attention it deserves. As far as commenting on things I know nothing about- well as a former coat recipient turned donor and a former mission client turned volunteer I'm pretty qualified to comment on this. This is the real story of the new NYC and the new EV and the new economy. Whether its the White House hotel closing, the demise of the Sunshine Hotel, the closing of the homeless showers at 18 Bleecker St ( they've been replaced with luxury condos of course) its a push to remove the poor and destitute. Should I even get into the rise in assaults on the homeless by drunken bros? These include being urinated on, having property stolen etc. These incidents don't get reported so you wont hear about them on your favorite app. Plus I'm a native who has probably lived here longer than you've been alive. So please stop with the indignation. Bro.
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