Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reader report: Fire destroys 2 apartments at 542 E. 14th St.

The FDNY responded to a fire late this morning at 542 E. 14th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B...

East Village-based photographer Michael Paul, who took these shots, spoke with a resident of the building... word is two apartments were ruined in the blaze, which started in a third-floor unit...

There were not any reports of injuries. The FDNY is investigating the cause of the fire.


  1. Does anyone have any experience with fire insurance? I looked into it but it didn't seem to cover my stereo or electronics or media (record collection), and nothing else in my apt has any value, so I wondered what is the point?

  2. i find it funny to pay $2000 a month to live in an apartment with nothing of value

  3. nygrump - I'm not an expert, but I think you'd be looking for renter's or homeowner's insurance. I have renter's and it covers pretty much everything in our apartment - clothes, electronics, etc...

  4. Is this the method Extell is going to use to acquire the entire block ?

  5. This is so sad for the residents of those apartments and that building. I hope no one was hurt.

  6. @Anon. 9:05 - that was exactly what I was thinking. I remember when fire was the method of choice in the neighborhood to empty buildings, and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this was no accident. Cynical? You bet I am.

  7. Sad, I lived in this building for most of the 90's. I'm glad no one was hurt.

  8. You're not cynical @Gojira, you're a realist.

  9. December 10, 2014 at 11:13 PM

    Exactly my thoughts- esp since this is the traditional, established procedure of eviction in so many documented cases. In fact= the other half of that block was cleared away due to a suspicious pizza fire. If this half went down due to another arson, Beth Israel would have the whole street. They have already put up their banners on the lamp posts all the way to the East River intersection at 14th & Ave C


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