Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reminders: The 23rd annual tree lighting at Tompkins Square Park is today

Workers made some final preparations yesterday (more lights!) ahead of today's 23rd annual tree lighting in Tompkins Square Park.

The details for the ceremony, which takes place between 4-5 p.m.:

Music from Mandel & Lydon Trio
Carolers of Olde New York from Theatre for the New City
Refreshments from Veselka Restaurant
Additional Support from East Village Books, Vazacs/7B, Saifee Hardware, Apple Savings Bank

East Village Parks Conservancy
Third Street Music School Settlement
Tompkins Square Park Neighborhood Coalition

Photos via Bobby Williams


  1. The "Tompkins Square Neighborhood Coalition" was created by gentrifiers connected with the real estate industry, including attorney Samuel Turvey and politically-connected real estate scum Donald Capocchia. This group ran Antonio Pagan for City Council and used his position to make the LES a "safe" investment for developers and businesses catering to the monied transients that over-built "luxury" housing would attract, all the while attacking the homeless and poor and middle class residents and related local businesses, making it next to impossible for them to afford to live, work and do business here.

    To gain legitimacy and work on the faded memory of old-timers and no knowledge of their past by newcomers, the TSPNC sponsors events like the xmas tree lighting and the Charlie Parker festival.

    Folks ought to know this group's TRUE history. The SHADOW has extensive files on the group, its members and their activities....

  2. Antonio Pagan was cremated and his ashes are now fertilizer for the tree. Ho Ho Ho

  3. John: If true, considering all of the toxins in Pagan's nasty remains, that tree's a goner....


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