Monday, January 12, 2015

Condos rising on Avenue C will feature 'surreal views'

There's more information available about the condos rising from part of the former Kingdom Hall that was owned by the Jehovah's Witnesses at 67 Avenue C.

Signs recently arrived on the plywood pointing to the developer Natan Vinbaytel's website...

... including a shot of what the final product will look like...

There's not much information (such as pricing) on the seven units that will be available starting on July 1. The site does boast these condo amenities, including "surreal views" (?????)

Meanwhile, the plywood still features a photo of a different building than the one going up here near East Fifth Street...

Previously on EV Grieve:
First sign of the new 7-floor condo rising above the Jehovah's Witnesses on Avenue C

Maybe 67 Avenue C will eventually look like this random building some day


  1. If you didn't notice, surreal is the new word meme, the new norm as it were.

  2. Hey yoos, get ya booteek apahtments right heah on avenoo c. One bedroom? Check! Two bedroom? Check? Three bedroom? Check yeah! We'se even got a beeyootiful penthouse. Yoo's need surreal views in a flood zone? Yoo call Ron and Gary. We take care of yoo!

  3. Ken from Ken's KitchenJanuary 12, 2015 at 10:55 AM

    Not everybody wants to see melting clocks and bowler-hatted men floating outside the living room window. I'll pass, thanks.

  4. They're bragging about lot line windows? Or is this some kind of disclosure? That's worse than saying "Fabulous value. Guaranteed to plummet if anyone builds next door."

  5. Guess surreal is one of those bro words of our time. "Dude have you seen the view from Chad's new place, it's surreal." Kind of like dumb chicks and the word "random".

  6. Didn't Jimmy Hendrix walk around this building once?

  7. "This is the best condo. Really. The BEST. So good! Spectacle finishes are like WOW! Just WOW! Ceilings that are tall and flat! Browse the gallery of just one photo! Your dream him is waiting 4 u !!!!"

  8. That place sold for a song. Yes, the space was weird, ill-kept-up, and not exactly a gourmet space but . . . the whole business sold for the price of a nice two bedroom EV place. And . . . it came with air rights. So . . . development was going to happen and what's being built seems slightly better than the usual crappy places being build in the 'hood.

  9. Surreal views! It is so surreal how you paid so much to live amongst crackheads and people who don't like you!

  10. That building is the only surreal view I see. Another chunk of menacing concrete shite that has about as much to do with the surrounding neighborhood as the Coliseum would.

  11. What's surreal was Avenue C being under 5 feet of water during Sandy. I hope the boutique condo comes with lifeboats and a backup generator.

  12. Nice one, NOTORIOUS!!

    I wonder if the Kingdom Hall group will repay (yeah, RIGHT!!) the real estate taxes they avoided paying during the time that this building was run as a religious institution, seeing as they've sold at the peak of a hyper-gentrified market.

    It's one thing for the city to allow religious organizations to avoid paying real estate taxes as they operate in buildings they own, but quite another when those groups cash in by selling to developers and walking away with a huge profit.

  13. Lifeboats?! Then they should add "water sports" or "aquatic activities" to the "surreal" description. Asshats...

  14. It ain't surreal as it used to be.

    ......and the mescaline was waaaay better.


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