Friday, January 9, 2015

Contrada's artist brunch continues tomorrow with 'Sorry Robot'

[From "Sorry Robot"]

Contrada owner Eric Anderson's Italian restaurant on Second Avenue at East Fourth Street is beginning 2015 the way they ended last year — making a connection with the artistic community.

Previous Contrada events have included "Invisible Hand" director Ken Rus Schmoll and a celebration of Dylan Thomas.

Here's what's happening tomorrow starting at 11:30 a.m. via the EVG inbox...

Join us for a conversation over brunch with playwright Mike Iveson — one of "Downtown's ever shining lights" according to Paper magazine — to discuss his new play "Sorry Robot." He'll be joined by performers Tanya Selvaratnam and Nicky Paraiso, who will jointly act as moderator.

2013 Ethyl Eichelberger Award winner Mike Iveson has written a "spaz opera" with nine original perverse pop songs which together provide a window into the hidden hankerings of robots and humans alike.

"Sorry Robot" is playing at the New Ohio Theater Jan 6-17.

There's no extra charge for the event. Find more details here.


  1. Kraftwerk want their wardrobe back.

  2. Did anyone notice that the people on the left look EXACTLY like the people on the right?


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