Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ella Lounge has apparently closed for good on Avenue A

[Image via]

Ella Lounge, the duplex bar/lounge named for Ella Fitzgerald at 9 Avenue A, has apparently closed.

BoweryBoogie reported yesterday that Ella's last night was Jan. 3. While there isn't any mention of a closure on Ella's social media properties or website, the phone has been disconnected.

The retro space (previously Julep, Velvet and what else?) with live music and various acts opened in September 2008 with a news release that noted:

"Ella is our spin on Hollywood glamour and the roaring 20's. We want to capture the energy and flair of the time by bringing it back with our music, design and staff..."


The 1700 square foot top floor of the space will have a combined feeling of the décor of Hampshire House, The Carlyle and Hollywood's Lake Arrowhead Springs Hotel as well.

Within a year, that old Hollywood glamour had apparently faded with hosted events such as...

We never made it to Ella. We were admittedly turned off from the get-go by ownership (The Gallery Bar) referring to this part of the neighborhood as the LEV — as in "Lower East Village." Then there was the requisite Thrillist writeup, which played up Ella's exclusivity: "reservations are referral only, and the door policy is doorman's discretion — so there's a decent chance you'll be stranded outside."

Thanks, but we'll stick to The Library next door.


  1. No grieving here.

  2. Amazing it lasted as long as it did, with such a welcoming, neighborhood-friendly vibe like that. No great loss. Next!

  3. Yeah, goodbye. Was cool for a minute, seemed like a nice space but walking by the bridge and tunnel trash gathering around that door and blocking the sidewalk every weekend is no fun.

  4. NY Mag - BOYSROOM, 9 AVE A [circa 2005] - "Sure, Clay and Ruben can belt out a tune, but can they gyrate their bodies in the buff? While we shudder at the thought, such is the premise of Go-Go Idol Saturdays at Boysroom. Drag legend Misstress Formika has given the old Tapis Rouge space a radically gay makeover: the gothic chandeliers are still there, but the back wall is now decorated in gay-porn decoupage, and poles have been installed on the main bar, perfect for Saturday’s popular party. You can even expect a celebrity now and then (Sorry, Boy George, we saw you hiding in the corner!). And while the uptown-meets-downtown crowd dances to DJs Adam and Formika's rock-funk-pop blend and fully appreciates the free tequila shots poured down their throats, let’s face it: Everyone’s here to see naked boys! So at 2am, the contestants are rounded up, and one by one they show the crowd what they've got. In fact, they show everything they’ve got. The winner, determined by audience response, receives $100, while the losers get nothing—except maybe an STD after round 2. Check your dignity at the door. — E. J. Samson"

  5. The space downstairs was actually a decent if small live music room (badly managed). Would be great if whomever comes in utilized it better, though I'm not counting on it.

  6. Nothing ever lasts in this spot. Is it cursed or something? I'll stick to the Library. Thanks.

  7. Maybe they'll finally re-open that little funky Polish diner that used to be there (...or was it next door?).


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