Monday, January 26, 2015

You won't be able to ride a Citi Bike tonight after 7 (legally, anyway)

They seem to have handled the pre-blizzard well...

[2nd Avenue earlier via Derek Berg]

Anyway you guys...


  1. Another inconsiderate Blue Demon customer zig zagging dangerously though traffic rather than using his space hogging, special bike lane.

  2. Citibike ... free license to ride bicycle on the sidewalk, go against traffic, mow down pedestrians and run red lights all without the tiresome necessity of a helmet or insurance. And a free pass on traffic violation tickets! All while reducing the carbon footprint and enjoying cardio! Yipee!

  3. All you anti-bicycle extremists, just come out and say it. You want the island to be car-only.

    More NYCers were killed by cars last year than were murdered. And it wasn't even close.

  4. anti CitiBike ≠ anti-bicycle extremist

    but CitiBike's job is done; they've green washed you.

  5. People I think would simply appreciate bicyclists to obey the rules of the road as they are supposed to legally do so. A dear friend got crashed into by a speeding biker. She now has physical rehab and permanent physical damage. She lost time from work and has medical expenses. Of course biker sped away hit and run. A bike lane is not supposed to be tour de france and honestly how many bikers stop at the red light?


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