We were sorry to see the store closing sign up here the other day at 47 Avenue A between East Third Street and East Fourth Street… Galleria J. Antonio sells arts and crafts and custom jewelry and watches…
Here's some history of the store via The Villager (back in 2005 when some locals were ticked about the painting in the front window showing a woman's bare breast):
The galleria is a colorful crafts store with jewelry, pottery, handbags and even doggy costumes peppering the walls and display cases. An artists cooperative, the galleria was located on Christopher St. from 1979 to 1989. After a 15-year hiatus when the store’s founding artist and namesake, Jose Antonio, died of AIDS in 1989, the shop reopened in 2000 at its present location on Avenue A and E. Fourth St.
The for lease sign mentions no food… the Ave A Optical space a storefront away at No. 43 remains on the market as well…

So sorry to hear they're closing. I've bought so many unique gifts for friends and family here over the years. The staff was always amazing. They'll be missed.
We can only assume lease hike has put them out. No food suggest no Starbucks which is a good thing which leaves the usual bank branches and larger chain business. Curious how long it will take to rent this space and when chain stores lose interest if ever in the EV.
I don't think it is exclusively a rent hike. I bought an extremely practical folding table (it is like bamboo origami!) there during their closing sale and had a chat. The owner is retiring. I did not believe the age he claimed he is -- I hope he enjoys a healthy and happy retirement.
I've long loved that store. An interesting assortment of tchokes. Most weren't to *my* taste, but they were always definitely *someone's* taste -- a very personal stamp on the place -- and I love being a guest on someone's world.
Regardless if I would ever step foot in this shop I am sorry to see it close. Unique things have no future in our city unfortunately since only things with corporate labels sell.
I doubt its a rent hike since the ageloff board has always been super-good about renting to small businesses at reasonable rates. I wish St Mark's bookstore could move in there!
anon @ 12:42, I know what you mean. Much of the style is very 1980's; but, there was a great assortment within that style. Lots of jewelry (which I don't wear much of, so didn't often purchase things) and a lot of clocks. Interesting things, too, for small apartments...like that super cool and sturdy and easy to clean folding coffee table I got.
Very sad. Lovely owner, and the last store in the EV selling Jewish ritual objects (after the closure of Ben Ari just down the street). No, not to my taste, but it was where I got a lot of presents for my mother and mother-in-law.
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