Unfortunately, it has been slow going for the lunch counter to reopen at 127 Second Ave. since the deadly gas explosion on March 26.
Gas service was restored a few weeks ago. Now, in a Facebook post, owner Fawzy Abdelwahad says they need another week to repair the ceiling for safety reasons. (Apparently city inspectors were at the diner yesterday.)
In a separate post he wrote: "Meeting for business still one more week so sad."

Photos today via Facebook
Previously on EV Grieve:
How to help 73-year-old East Village mainstay B&H Dairy get up and running again
B&H is not really beloved. Beliked, maybe, but not beloved.
ReplyDeleteJudgey anonymous evgrieve commenters (including me) are not really beloved either, nor are they "beliked". Anon 2:19 - Could you give us 800 words on bagels being too chewy or not chewy enough? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI want my omlet with a side of kasha.....
I ate here and at Stage only once because the food was absolutely horrid.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand the rabid love for these two restaurants. Is it because they've been around for a long time in the neighborhood and have a more real, lo-key, old school vibe?
Is that it? Because it can't be because of the food.
Stage is a fantastic restaurant--I like it because it has very reasonable prices for eating-in and has the feel of an old school diner. It feels like you're also at a friend's house.
ReplyDeleteI can't say the same for B&H--I think the food there is awful. I want to like the place, but...the soup tastes like it has been sitting there since 1973.
is the food amazing? No. Is it good enough? It is. B&H is a cheap vegetarian restaurant - almost impossible to find in this neighborhood anymore. When I'm home working and I want a quick lunch and don't want to pay a ton of money this is where I go. A place need not be *amazing* to stay in business - it doesn't even need to be great - and that idea needs to be defended.
ReplyDeleteStage and B&H are old school workaday fare at everyday prices. They don't win foodie accolades nor should they care to. If you don't get it, you are probably new school and that is fine, but at least understand that there exists a big world outside of your own hoity toitiness. That said, the challah bread at B&H is the best I've had anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI guess wanting newer, slightly less pedestrian options makes me a foodie.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know they are not beloved?
ReplyDeleteDid you take a survey or do you only need your opinion to know the truth? Give it a rest and leave a little oxygen for the rest of us.
I love B&H and I'm sure Stage is great, too. I will be so happy when they are back in business. Greedy landlords have destroyed this city.
Here's the deal with Stage and B&H: tasty, affordable food served by people who actually look you in the eye (and who actually know you if you go in sort of regularly). This is a concept that seems un-trendy to the newer denizens of the E. Village.
ReplyDeleteI realize most of the young, hip people here cannot live without staring at their phone pretty much every minute, but there are still plenty of us old farts around who, amazingly enough, value face-to-face social interactions with others.
AND: @7:32pm: By "less pedestrian" do you mean places like Glaze Teriyaki or Liquiteria, where one can barely make oneself heard over the painfully loud sounds that are being inflicted on both employees and customers? Or maybe you enjoy eating (but not talking to anyone!) at The Smith, where the sound levels would also damage one's hearing in about 10 minutes.
@8:47 Ageist much? You're just as awful as the young people you lash out at.
ReplyDeleteGo forbid someone make a point without trashing everyone else in their wake. I generalizations in your comment are a bit much. You're the the reason anyone over 40 is labeled a crank.
ReplyDeleteYoung people hate in the EV Grieve comments? Wow, didn't see THAT coming lol.
ReplyDeleteWho "eats" at Liquiteria?
ReplyDeleteI live in that building. None of the tenants have gas yet. I'd be a little surprised if B&H has gas, but maybe they got fast tracked somehow.
ReplyDeleteeveryone's entitled to their own opinion, but as for me, I'd like to be buried in the challah french toast at the Stage; it is awesome beyond words to me
ReplyDelete4:03pm here. It's pretty funny that 6:06pm and 8:47pm are implying I'm a youngster who recently moved here and feel it necessary to call me "new school" and "hoity toity".
ReplyDeleteYeah.. I'm 43 and have lived in NYC for 24 years, 13 in the LES. So I think Stage and B&H have crap food. Who cares!?
The fact that you are taking my differing opinion personally enough to go on the attack sure says a lot about your character.
anon 4:03 PM - you are entitled to like or not any place in any neighborhood that's the beauty of the variety of food available. too bad some measure by presentation and high cost.
ReplyDeleteit would be hard to present locavore sustainable etc. food at the prices charged by B&H and the stage.
the fact that they've been here for years and years is also positive.
I only eat out at Moonstruck. Unfortunately, I'm not blessed with a discerning palate...but their omelets are serving me well, and the bacon and eggs have resurrected me a few times from oblivion. Just my
ReplyDelete$ 0.02 as always
9:53, obviously not cool young people as they have moved on to Instagram and snapchat. It is the equivalent of the suburbans disliking CB's in the 80's and 90's.
ReplyDeleteI swear I am moving to Chappaqua to negatively yelp the favorite eating establishment. Then Great Neck, then Tenafly.Is there no one that misses these people in their hometowns, one person?
ReplyDeleteYou have to know what to order at B & H, but I've never had a bad meal at stage. It is the epitome of hearty diner grub. There is sometimes a "you didn't move here 25 years ago because you love punk rock? get out!" vibe in the EV Grieve comments, but I have to question someone who has a low opinion of Stage. @7:32 what did you order there?
ReplyDeleteLay off Liquiteria. It's been around since 1996 and for fuck's sake, the reason it's loud is because of the BLENDERS! You tell me how they're supposed to make smoothies without "inflicting" noise upon their patrons.
ReplyDeleteUh-oh, the Liquiteria Lunatic is back. Hi, (organic) honey! So, what, do you read this blog just to reply violently to any comment that references that juice bar and/or health food in a way you consider to be negative?!?
ReplyDelete@anon 8:01 1996 is good enough for the nostalgic elite. The preferred time range cuts off at 1989.
ReplyDeleteUhm, this isn't Yelp so I really don't need to hear from the newbies about how the food doesn't meet their bougie, snooty standards.
ReplyDeleteI love the cold borscht and macaroni and cheese at B&H and look forward to having it again soon.
Walter at 1.21 I had spinach pie and a cup of coffee and the tab was $20 without a tip. Does that seem reasonable to you for a "diner"?
ReplyDeleteThe fact of the matter is yes, I am a health nut and a Liquiteria patron. So when I see it being maligned as some new school joint for the type of people in the neighborhood NEITHER of us like, I feel compelled to defend it. You don't see me coming to Juice Press's defense, do you? Liquiteria is a nice place. It's been there a long time. I don't like to see it lumped in with places like The Smith, for good reason.
You're the abrasive fight-picker here, so I don't even know what "reply violently" is supposed to mean. You're the one always bitching at people at EVG like you own the place.
@11:03 AM Of course they own the place. Don't speak otherwise. You're lucky your comment got through. It doesn't meet their agenda.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one that attacked me first, (organic) honey, and essentially called me a liar when I mentioned that I was a healthy eater. 99% of the people I bitch at here are landlords, and I don't have a problem with that. Sorry if you do. And just as I think there are too many banks, drug stores, chain food restaurants, froyo/ice cream joints, luxe coffee shoppes and dollar slice parlors, I also think there are too many juiceterias. Live with it.
Glenn, if you had read my follow-up comment you'd know I've lived in NYC for 24 years so get off your "newbie" trip.
ReplyDeleteGojira, your little "(organic) honey" joke wasn't funny the first time; besides, I use agave.
ReplyDeleteI didn't "attack" you, I merely pointed out that you really seem to have in for certain types of healthy food merchants, based on several comments you yourself have made. If one thinks there are "too many juiceterias" at this point in time, it would be odd to pick on the juice bar that was one of the neighborhood's first. Does Juicy Lucy piss you off too?
Of course, you think my defense makes me someone who drops in here only to defend kale eaters, because it's unfathomable that such a person might have been commenting here the whole time on a variety of topics. Perhaps even longer than you.
But please do keep up this routine that you're the queen of the old East Village.
@Gojira the only one doing any attacking here is you. Glad you're so easily able to lump a dozen different types of businesses together so that you can make rude comments about all of them without having to say anything specific about any of them. And if anyone disagrees with you, they just get lumped in to the "people who don't get it and/or are shills" category. This kind of rationalization makes life so much easier, doesn't it? No need to see any grey areas or take anything on a case by case basis.
ReplyDeleteWhile we're at it, I'll go ahead and lump you in with the "been in the neighborhood so long they think they own it and any opinion they hold is the word of the EV Gods" camp. I'm sure you all have identical opinions and can be painted with the exact same brush, right?
The Stage and B&H are going to have to go the way any business does when it can't compete. The market decides these things, not emotion.
ReplyDeleteBill the libertarian anarchist, nemesis of Bill (Little Stalin) deBlasio.
Wow, you really are a humorless crankypants, aren't you, Anon. 1:33 and again at 2:54, because apparently I have gotten so deep under your skin you just can't stop thinking of negative things to say. Again, in the greater scheme of things, I am not sure why you are so fixated on this issue, but maybe try bathing in that agave to see if you can absorb some of its sweetness, it could only help. You take care now, 'k? xoxo
ReplyDeleteanon at April 28, 2015 at 4:03 PM
ReplyDeletei love b&h for many reasons--mostly for the big portions of delicious, homestyle food. i love the longtime b&h team and yeah, i had my first date EVER there when i was in high school. you must be one of them pretentious foodie types, ey?
don't hate the b&h.