The juice bar opened Monday at 72 East Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue…

They are offering an array of juices, smoothies, protein shakes and acai bowls …

[Image via Facebook]
And here's a closeup of the menu via Yelp…

The address was home until last fall to Fab 208, the clothing boutique that closed after 23 years on the block. (At this address and across the street.)
Fab 208 owners Jo and Alan told Racked the following:
"We just no longer see retail in the [East Village] as a business model worth sticking with. We are not bitter about how the hood has changed but it has lost all sense of itself and has no community left to support independent stores like ours."
As for Fab 208, they will be opening a store soon in Jacksonville, Fla.
It's really pretty. It reminds me of old-school Liquiteria (not that I don't love new-school Liquiteria, but it's just not the same).
And to think I have lived for all these decades without the term "acai bowl" in my vocabulary. However did I manage?!?
We get it, Gojira, you hate health food. Every post about fruit- or vegetable-driven cuisine, you're right there to mock it. Enough already. I'm being polite by the way.
@Anon. 11:30 - Since you obviously broke your funnybone a long time ago, I'm probably wasting my time by telling you that I was kidding. And just FYI, not that it is any of your business, pretty much all I eat is health food. But that doesn't mean I have to embrace every single damn juicery, fro-yo palace, or whatever the latest treat du jour craze is. There's such a thing as saturation, no matter what's being offered.
Keep telling yourself that Gojira. No one who likes health food would speak against it the way you do. Remember that time you bitched about Liquiteria—an EV institution since 1996? Or complained that a health food store was moving to Saint Marks?
Their advantage over Liquiteria is being organic. You should only consume organic fruit/veggies, as non-organic is sprayed with petro chemicals that you don't want in your body.
Bill, giving a shout out for Commodities (Hi Ed)
This is a very strange issue to get yourself all butt hurt over. Just sayin.
@Anon. 11:30 and 2:53 - Seriously? You keep track? Oh, (organic) honey, please get a life - fast. There are far more significant issues going on than dredging up things I said way back when that I don't even remember, and which, in the greater scheme of things, are totally unimportant. Bye.
2.53 here. LOL My comment was directed at Anon, the most vehement defender of kale I've ever encountered lol
Oops, sorry, 2:53/4:25, my bad, I was trying to respond to Anon. 11:30/1:19, of course, but guess I was laughing too hard at your "butt hurt" comment to see the keyboard clearly. And "vehement defender of kale" - priceless!
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