Friday, May 8, 2015

RIP Patrick Salt Ryan

[Photo via Facebook]

We were very sorry to hear that East Village resident Patrick Salt Ryan died suddenly on April 22. He was 45.

Ryan, a singer-songwriter, also tended bar at Fontana's down on Eldridge Street. He and his wife, Jessica Perez-Ryan, lived on Avenue A and East Ninth Street.

In September 2013, word circulated in Tompkins Square Park that someone had apparently stolen Giuseppi Logan's saxophone. Upon hearing this, Ryan gave Giuseppi a tenor sax that someone had left behind at the bar several years earlier.

There's a Patrick Salt Ryan Memorial Show next Friday at Hank's Saloon in Brooklyn… all proceeds at the door will go to help out Jessica.


  1. Sad. So young. RIP. Stay strong Jessica.

  2. I knew Patrick's passing would make EV Grieve. He was such an integral part of the community. Love and strength to Jessica.

  3. Such a sweet guy. He is sorely missed.

  4. That's terrible. How did it happen?

  5. Patrick was a class dude. He was sincerely kind to people, even when they were dickheads.

  6. I didn't know him well, but great guy. He struck up a conversation with me at Fontana's one night because of my Two Cow Garage t-shirt. Probably the first bartender at a show to give me a buy-back. Saw him at shows here and there ever since. I didn't know he was in the neighborhood. RIP.

  7. I met Patrick under similar circumstances as Scott - we bonded over our mutual love of the Australian band You Am I (I was wearing a YAI t-shirt, natch). Also got to see him play with Mike Gent (Figgs) @ Manitoba's. Exceedingly nice guy. Will be missed even by those of us who didn't know him all that well.
    -Sal C.

  8. Used to see him at I-Bar around 8 AM. We usually sat on opposite corners. His side now looks very empty. Condolences to his family and friends.

  9. what a great tribute to Pat...he was a gentle soul and will be missed by so many...go to the show and support his wife Jessica...I will miss my cousin greatly...

  10. Ginny Gonzalez- I knew Patrick he is my son in law. He was a kind hearted, loving, caring men. I got to known Patrick through my daughter Jessica who was extremely happy and as family. I'm grateful we got to spend time together before his departure but heart is heavy with Sadness as I will miss him dearly. I am also sad for my daughter Jessica, this is devestating for her. For all of us. I feel the loss of our beloved Patrick and the pain my Jessi is going through. I pray that as an angel Patrick can touch Jessi's heart and help her through this. He will be missed. Love you Patrick. RIP.

  11. Note that if you can't make the Hank's show there are a few fundraisers you can also give to:

  12. Salty was one of my bar buddies long before he made it to NYC. Many long, long nights at the Lizard Lounge in Oshkosh, WI were spent together.

    Glad to know that his kindness, his creativity, and his one of a kind soul made him as invaluable person there. Miss him.

  13. In the ugly unforgiving loud hopeless nights of all night long New York bar scenes there stood a tall angel who brought peace caring and calm out of chaos it was hard to see than that Patrick salt Ryan quietly emanated Irish style hope in a sea of despair and decadence


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