Helen Mirren sightings are common around the neighborhood. She and her husband Taylor Hackford have had a place on St. Mark's Place for 14 years. Mirren, who won an Oscar for "The Queen," was a regular at the Stage. She was also the first customer at Enz's when the store reopened a few weeks ago.
There's a Q-and-A in the Post today with Mirren, who's up for a Tony for "The Audience."
The East Village seems a bit funky for Dame Helen Mirren.
I’ve always loved funky and young areas in any city. I prefer the small boutiques to the designer palaces. Other neighborhoods, like the West Village, are a bit chichi. We really love the East Village. It’s noisy with foot traffic, not noisy with car traffic. I can get a taxi day or night.
[W]e are spoiled for choice when it comes to incredible restaurants. I love the holes in the walls, the small restaurants. Sadly, some of our favorites are closed because of that terrible gas explosion [in March]. We loved the Stage and the B&H, and the Pommes Frites. [That] was completely destroyed.

Helen Mirren photos from May 11 by Derek Berg
I have seen several Helen Mirren look-a-likes, but never her. At least I don't think so?
ReplyDeleteKnowing that Helen Mirren shops at Enz's makes me love her even more, if that's possible.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, EV Grieve. I walked past her on 3rd Avenue and 9th last week just a couple of days before I went to see her in The Audience, and I wondered if she lived down here.
ReplyDeleteThat means she moved into our downtown neighborhood in 2001. Makes me lover her even more.
ReplyDeleteIf a famous and successful actress like Helen Mirren enjoys as well as supports small places in the EV why doesn't everybody? Answer, few people are as cool as Helen.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dame.
ReplyDeleteHey, Helen likes the EV for the same reasons I do! Unfortunately for us (me and Helen that is) those reasons are dwindling fast.
ReplyDeleteDear Helen,
ReplyDeletePlease buy the Pyramid building (101 Avenue A) and have CBGB reopen there.
CBGB Denizen
I smile more when I see Jimmy Mc Millian than Helen.
ReplyDeleteYou guys sound pretty vapid fawning over this woman just because she is a famous actress.
ReplyDeleteDo you even know the names of the women who are doing cutting-edge research on communicable diseases or the names of women who live in our area who volunteer to help the elderly who have no family?
I've been watching the Prime Suspect series for the first time, on Netflix...wonderful actress!
ReplyDeleteToo bad she can't be a voice for saving the east village if she likes it so much.
ReplyDeleteInstead of lecturing us about how we fawn all over a famous actress and don't know who you think we should know, why don't YOU, 9:48pm, list names of the women who are doing cutting edge research and communicable diseases and/or the names of women who live in your area who volunteer to help the elderly who have no family?
ReplyDeleteNone of us have to give props to those women because some holier than thou jerk (you) says we have to, and how do you know if any of us don't know who at least one of these women are? You really don't have a clue. And I'm only guessing none of the woman you think we should mention are doing what they're doing for recognition/publicity, they're doing it for the good and betterment of humankind.
Helen can afford to put curtains and windows in their lux apt. or condo where it is situated away from the streets and thus is immune from the noise outside. She can also afford to go out and enjoy these restaurants and "restaurants" in the EV thus she cannot hear the noise when you're in it. Good to be the queen.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand the need to dump on a resident intrinsically because they happen to be rich and famous. I haven't read any evidence of heinous actions, like tearing down an historic building to build a modern duplex. I abhor specific rich people for specific reasons, but Dame Mirren is truly talented and has an impressive body of work.
ReplyDeleteYeah only Helen has curtains and windows which block out noise in her apartment (rolls eyes.) She isn't the royal you make her out to be. You seem jealous of her wealth.
ReplyDeleteThis town needs an enema.
ReplyDeleteStop being so anonymous and maybe you'll feel better.
ReplyDelete(rolls eyes) I believe windows comment was a riposte to this comment. Welcome to the EV and this blog: they've been waiting for you.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe if you try to pronounce the 'g' in bologna you'd feel better.
Hey 9:49pm:
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can post a link where we can help out the house-bound elderly. I was thinking about that earlier today. I would like to do shopping for someone who isn't able. I know I can't do any type of cutting-edge research on diseases.
9:48 no but I would LOVE to, and I wish that everyone else felt the same. Regardless, that doesn't make Ms. Mirren any less of an awesome lady.
ReplyDeleteHey 9:05pm, 3:24pm here (the one who rolled his eyes at some idiot saying Mirren has curtains - ok so???)
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo sorry I didn't get what EV Grieve post you were alluding to because I have better things to do with my time than follow the allusions of a nerd who has something against Helen Mirren for what reason again other than she's rich and famous.
"I have better things to do with my time than follow the allusions of a nerd who has something against Helen Mirren for what reason again other than she's rich and famous."
ReplyDelete(rolls eyes) and yet you are here feeling denigrated and defending the rich and famous
I'm not feeling denigrated or defending anyone, but you can think that if it makes you feel better. You are the one coming on here running your mouth about Helen Mirren without what your problem is with her other than she's rich and famous like that's a bad thing when it's not.
ReplyDeleteOh btw she has a right to live in the East Village or wherever she wants to live in this city, state, or country, ok? She lives in the EV, deal with it.