[Kita from earlier this year]
It has really been far too long since we've heard from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street. (All the way back to November!)
Unfortunately, dear Miss Kita is having another tough summer — at least the last part of July. Last summer, she was recovering from a torn tendon.
Her owners provided us with an update this week:
On the evening of July 22 we were walking on 11th between B and C at around 11 when Miss Kita the Wonder Dog was rather brutally attacked by another dog — a Shar-pei/pit bull mix. The dog was with a young guy who wasn't in control of it.
Kita will be fine but her injuries are severe. She's got a ton of stitches and needed some sort of a tube in her throat. The dog attack was very traumatic for her and for us.
The vet did remove the tube a few days ago, and Kita continues to rest and recover.
"She is in much better spirits now."
Photo of Kita by Elias Weiss Friedman.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Meet Kita
The further adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
The further (often truly) amazing adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Happy holidays from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street has her first ever annual checkup
Holiday greetings from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Summer greetings from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street is on the mend!
Oh noooo, Kita, I am so sorry to hear this! Get well soon, you good girl!
What is so wonderful about Kita? Is there a back-story?
I feel so bad for Kita. I have had a number of friends whose dogs have been attacked here in the neighborhood. I don't know what we can do about it, but it is a problem. And I am not talking about one bite. I am talking vicious attacks.
The owner of the attacking dog should be fined. If you can't handle your dog, or don't take the time to train it, or train it to be aggressive, the dog should be taken away. If that happened to me and my dog, I would beat the attacking dog dead.
Get well Kita!
Yes there is a back story, as indicated by the 7 links at the end of the post.
if a dog viciously attacks anything, it should be put down.
Get well, Miss Kita. We will pursue that irresponsible dog owner with our cameraphones and seek justice in your name.
Walking around with an out of control dog is really reckless behavior, I don't understand how their owners deal with that stress. They are one bite away from a world of legal hurt. A pet dog is supposed to be friendly and sociable. And they are supposed to make your life more joyful. That's the whole fucking point. And an out of control dog is not just a liability, it's an unhappy dog. Dumbfucks.
Can we get more details about the attacking dog, because I don't want my kids or my dog (or myself) to go anywhere near it.
Anonymous 9:57, Kita was described as a "wonder dog" in the very first post, "Meet Kita". If there's no reason, that's fine. Maybe it's the dog's registered name?
Here's to a speedy recovery Miss Kita, sending cool breezes your way.
Poor Baby!!!!!
11 am or 11 pm?
Anonymous said...
What is so wonderful about Kita? Is there a back-story?
All shelter dogs are wonderful.
Agree with Scuba Diva, but I'd expand that to include all shelter animals. Can't forget the non-doggies!
Pssst.....psssst......Kita baby, we got the boys out lookin' for this pit/pei.....got the hot-buttered curry enemas mounted on glow sticks poised for insertion, and RE-insertion if needed.....so if you see some MADLY-barking'n'butt-blinkin' mongrel tearing thru the hood today you'll KNOW we got the culprit.....we also know you're not into the revenge thing, but that slight knowing smile on your dial tells us we are doing the right thing.
Hang in there smoochie.....WE GOT YOUR BACK!
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