Friday, July 17, 2015

Welcome back Ray!

[Photo yesterday by Peter Brownscombe]

Back on June 16, Ray Alvarez, the 82-year-old proprietor of Ray's Candy Store at 113 Avenue A, had heart valve replacement surgery.

Doctors discharged him on Wednesday evening from VillageCare Rehabilitation on West Houston Street with his new pacemaker.

[Photo Wednesday via Facebook]

Here's an update via the Ray's Candy Store Facebook page ... from Wednesday night:

Ray was released from his rehab facility today! His first stop, NATURALLY, was Ray's Candy Store, to get some oatmeal...and to try and help fix the air conditioner. A month after heart valve replacement surgery. Because, Ray.

The doctors and nurses FELL IN LOVE WITH RAY and were sad to see him go, but he's got a business to run and a neighborhood that needs him back where he belongs.

It may be a while before Ray is working the night shift again, but having him home means the world to us.

Yesterday, Ray was at work during the afternoon… taking it easy, but the same ol' Ray…



Previously on EV Grieve:
Get well soon, Ray!


  1. A young man keeping busy on the job; welcome back!

  2. Yay! Time for a vanilla malted!

  3. I'm stopping by for a pistachio ice cream cone as soon as I climb over all these NY Post reporters sleeping in Tompkins Sq. Park.

  4. We love Ray! Here's to another 40 years!

  5. boy it won't be long before someone comes over to my house and drags me out in pajamas at 3AM to go for an egg cream at Ray's! Welcome back RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!:)

  6. YEAH!!!! WELCOME HOME RAY!!!!!!!

  7. LOVE YOU RAY!!!

  8. I'm tellin'ya folks......WATCH OUT!!!

    Ray's got untapped, untrained and unBELIEVable Super Powers now.....just look at that last pic....he's mixin'up that Egg Cream WITHOUT ACTUALLY USIN' THE SPOON!.....he just thinks "MIX NOW", and it's rockin'.....he's just usin' the spoon as a distraction!

    And for the Ladies....FAIR WARNIN'.....they don't call it x-RAY vision for nuttin'!

    Keep on chooglin' brother! :+)

  9. Love him so much. Welcome back Ray! And hope you like your apartment that some very incredible people spent a lot of time and love fixing up while you were away!

  10. All kinds of awesome. Looking forward to 3AM ice cream cones (Ray makes the BEST ones....). Welcome back Ray 2.0!

  11. Ray's Candy Store is my shining light.

  12. Popped in the other day and he was there! :-) And nothing says 102 degrees in the shade like a cherry lime rickey from Ray's!


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