['Dog Dag Afternoon' last night in Tompkins Square Park via Peter Brownscombe]
Mayor de Blasio introduces NYC Safe initiative (The New York Times)
Trying to overcome the financial challenges at Theatre 80 (The Villager)
The rundown on The New York International Fringe Festival that starts next week (DNAinfo)
Broken pipe floods part of the Meltzer Towers on East First Street (NY1)
Rape investigation at Happy Ending on Broome Street (Gothamist)
Last weekend for the 3rd annual MoRUS Film Festival (MoRUS)
Moving Streit's matzo factory from the LES to upstate after 90 years (The Village Voice)
Another cat cafe for the LES (BoweryBoogie)
The Ramones last live show was on Aug. 6, 1996 (Diffuser)
Young hawk catches rat in Tompkins Square Park (Gog in NYC)
Starting to make the Manhattan Bridge safer (The Lo-Down)
Check out the documentary "Flyin’ Cut Sleeves" about NYC gangs in the 1960s-70s (Dangerous Minds)
Revisiting "Downtown 81" (Cashiers du Cinemart)
From brothels to luxury, mapping 400 years on one NYC block (Wired)
If you want to jump into a pit of balls (Curbed)
... and check out Gudrun George's photo essay on New York Central Art Supply on Third Avenue ...

... and a new group exhibition opens tonight at VolaVida Gallery on East Fourth Street just west of Avenue B...

The interactive map/history linked from the Wired article is pretty interesting. I'd love to see this kind of project done for the whole city.
Rather disappointed about the "pit of balls." Not what I was expecting.
Pit of balls= ball-baggery.
Re: Theater 80, Lorcan once showed me the third floor apt. that Leon Trotsky supposedly lived in when he came to NYC in Feb. and March 1917. I say supposedly because in his autobiography he mentions an apt. on either 164th or 165th St., but doesn't mention living on St. Mark's Place, although he did work in the print shop across the street from Lorcan's building. (The dates are from LT's autobiography.)
Joseph Meloy is an AMAZING artist. Go check out his work!
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