[EVG photo from July 2014]
Nearly a year has passed since we heard anything about the plans for the former Bowlmor Lanes (and other now-closed businesses at 110 University Place).
Reps for landlord Billy Macklowe filed plans for a 23-story condo last September.
Now, 6sqft got the first look at some preliminary renderings at the building that will dwarf its neighbors between East 12th Street and East 13th Street…

[Click on image to go BIG]
Here's more from 6sqft:
The 280-foot height depicted in submitted DOB drawings is now in line with many of its nearby neighbors, including One Fifth Avenue and The Brevoort East. There have been efforts to landmark or rezone the stretch of University Place to prevent developers from assembling large parcels to erect out of context towers. More worrying, however, will be the low-slung glass base and its future tenants, which may be out of character with the vibrant street.
In total, the new condoplex will house 56 (originally there were 52) units at more than 2,000 square feet each.
Meanwhile, as previously previously reported, a 6-story condo will rise from the space right next door that long housed University Place Gourmet and Bennie Louie Chinese Laundry.
Bowlmor Lanes closed in July 2014 after 76 years in business.
H/T Curbed!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Building that houses Bowlmor Lanes will convert to condos, like everywhere else around here
76-year-old Bowlmor Lanes closes for good today
Bowlmor says goodbye
Bowlmor Lanes replacement: 23-floor residential building
And no one from the DoB looks at this absurdity and sees a problem? Astonishing. I guess the inmates really ARE running the asylum.
ReplyDeleteAs the 'like father, like son' jokes write themselves...
ReplyDeleteI bowled here once, back in the late '80s. Bowling was never my thing.
ReplyDeleteThe DOB is 100% out to lunch. Useless. And the city is one big construction zone!
Bowlmor's been dead to me for more than a decade.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in my 20s and broke, me and my friends could show up here to $20 each, bowl until our shoulders were sore, and float out of there on a river of beer and whiskey.
I think last time I was there (been more than a decade), I think one Wild Turkey on the rocks was $18.
Uhm, One Fifth Avenue is an iconic Art Deco skyscraper. This new building is just another bland glass box. No comparison.
ReplyDeleteHere's the question no one is asking - where the heck are all of the offspring of these homeowners going to go to school? 'Cause - we're out of room. Everywhere.
ReplyDeleteDoubt anyone's gonna pine for a bowling alley that had velvet ropes, bouncers, a dress code and ludicrous prices for everything.
ReplyDeleteI was on 12th Street (between University and Fifth) today for lunch. I looked at the height of the buildings on 12th Street from Broadway walking west. There are very few low level buildings. The new building appears to be the same height as most of the buildings on 12th Street. New York is about change (and yes--it often goes hand in hand with reckless destruction). Having lived nearby for 25+ years, I don't see how this tower is a "rape" of the neighborhood (and yes I was a patron of Bennie Louie for years and I miss him and his sense of humor). There are very few new buildings that have architectural interest--so I am resigned that what will be built here will be a eyesore. But, of course, it is not my money.