Sunday, November 8, 2015

A pre-dawn planetary show over East 3rd Street

Local astronomy buff Felton Davis writes in this morning ...

Fantastic pre-dawn lineup of planets in the east over 3rd Street: Jupiter in Leo, Mars and Venus in Virgo, and last but not least the waning crescent Moon coming up just before the Sun.

Meanwhile, you can check out some photos of the 2nd Avenue Star Watchers right here.


  1. Spectacular. Thank you, Mr. Davis!

  2. I guess if the East Village can be in Midtown, the Moon can be a planet.

  3. Very cool!! So hard to see stars and planets in the city, I'll have too get up a little earlier once or twice a week. Thanks for those shots!!

  4. At 5:30
    I grabbed a citibike at 3d and 1st and saw the crescent moon and two dazzling bright stars shining down on me.I made a wish that the bike ride would tire me out so I could fall back asleep. It worked like a charm.


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