Someone has placed Landlord Greed stickers on the long-empty storefronts at 37 St. Mark's Place and Second Avenue...

Some of the spaces have been without retail tenants since late 2011. Back in the fall, workers removed the for rent signs and papered the windows, given the impression that someone had leased the space. Guess not yet.
Thanks to EVG contributor Steven for the photos!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Timi's Gelateria Classica™ facing eviction on St. Mark's Place
[Updated] Baoguette Cafe still looks rather closed
A few more details about renting the former 7-Eleven space on St. Mark's Place
After nearly 4 years empty, 37 St. Mark's Place may be getting new retail tenants
If anyone is capable if driving the chain stores out of the East Village, it's Greedy Landlords. At least they are good for something.
ReplyDeleteIt's absurd that commercial spaces such as these along St. Marks as well as others in the EV go unused sometimes for years instead of being used to employ people and entice customers. I think there was a political fix a while back that enabled real estate owners to gain more from the tax code than from renting their properties. Who were the political criminals and cronies responsible for this?
ReplyDeleteBill, recommending the new Michael Moore movie for laughs, if not for a sound understanding of economics--duh
yep, they right it off on their taxes. In other words, all citizens subsidize their own degradation. That's the brilliance of our system, not only do we allow its destruction, we actively pay for it.
ReplyDeleteI prefer an empty storefront over one filled with sports bar.
ReplyDeleteThey are keeping sports bars out and providing space for the homeless to camp out. What's the problem?
ReplyDeleteano 4:24 pm
ReplyDeleteGood point. As the park gets closed nightly, the real estate in front of vacant storefronts and now empty Church on 2nd ave. bet 3 and 4 are primo for homeless people to get a place to overnite.