Oh, just noting the recent arrival of new lamp posts for Cooper Square...

...as part of the ongoing reconstruction of Astor Place.
Anyway, the lamps look pretty nice, and will capably help illuminate the way to the new CVS on Astor Place.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Alamo has been away from Astor Place for 1 year now
Will they be ripped out a month later like the 3rd Ave islands?
The first one to throw an old pair of sneakers over those new lampposts gets a free slice of dollar pizza.
Hope they turn on the lights now that they're up. I walk through that area and it's
r-e-a-l-l-y d-a-r-k! Also CVS is opening 12.13.15. It's on the door.
Nice lamps. They don't look very tall though.
Agree with 4:46, they do look somewhat stunted.
Amanda outdid herself. NYC's first 40 foot wide sidewalk.
It would be nice if NYCDOT could finish something in segments, instead of taking over 5+ blocks at a time for simultaneous messdom.
And Houston Street, wtf... it must be about 10 years of continual construction now?
Everything about this project is stunted lol. Why should the street lights be any different!
The newbies who are moving here are also stunted.
I recall this town once has some consistency with it's street light, now the choice is decided by who exactly?
Glad to see classic looking lamps, and not that futuristic bullshit they wanted for Essex St.
I heard they plan to light them up one at a time with an additional one for each night of Chanukah!
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