Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reward offered for information about the slashing on East 6th Street Saturday

The NYPD has posted posters near the scene of the assault on Saturday afternoon on East Sixth Street near Taras Shevchenko Place (between Cooper Square and Second Avenue).

The current reward is $2,500.

The NYPD also released part of a surveillance video...

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.

Updated 1/21

The police have made an arrest in the case.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Man's face cut in random slashing on East 6th Street

Police release photos of suspect in East 6th Street slashing


  1. Is there a way to crowdfund a larger reward? I'd like to think our neighborhood would pull together to get this POS off the streets...

  2. 6th Street has seen some extreme violence in the 10 years I've lived here.

    Statistically it must happen.

  3. While the EV Slasher is on the loose I would recommend that everyone avoid walking down sidestreets unless there are other people around. The pattern of all of the slashers is to attack isolated victims and then quickly run away. If you were near other people they are less likely to attack. Strength in numbers.

  4. 6th between 2nd and 3rd has always been a low traffic area as there are no restaurants and only a few shops closer to 3rd. These are the types of streets you need to be vigilant on.

  5. As vigilant as one is, any of us are susceptible to this kind of attack. These people sneak up from the side or behind and cut and run.


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