FABnyc's biannual recycling and repurposing event returns tomorrow (Saturday), from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 11 E. Third St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.
Per the FABnyc website:
Started in 2010, FABnyc noticed that materials, props, costumes and the like were being thrown out after each theater shows load out. In response, we organized Load OUT! as a way to divert what would otherwise be sent to the waste stream, and instead, brought to the hands of other artists and the public to reuse and repurpose materials for their next project.

Find out more details about the day here.
It says on another page that there's a charge for the general public? Anyone know how much that is? I'm not an artist but do love sewing supplies.
Admission free for Artists and Students, $5.00 fee for the general public: http://fabnyc.org/?s=Load+out+fee
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