An EVG reader shared this video... a pleasant 5-minute excursion around Manhattan (sticking to Central Park, Times Square, Wall Street, etc.) in 1993. Its purpose, via the YouTube explanation: "In 2002 D-Theater D-VHS launched in the US — the dealers needed a demo tape of HD footage. JVC reused some HD video [from 1993] that had been shot."
The camera is on East Third Street at the 1:42 mark, where a member of the Hells Angels enacts the no-camera policy... and there's a quick scan on St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue then from 1:44 - 1:54 ...
No camera policy? Fuck him. They're so bad in groups.
I moved here in '93. I don't think I can watch this. Lately, I've found it easier to repress all the good memories and just accept the godawful present-day city for what it is.
Anyone recognize the vocalist, please?
I started working in the city around that time. Comparably, it was more tranquil than today by a long shot. Didn't even need bike lanes, still don't.
I didn't see one person on a cell phone. How did we ever survive as a society!?!?
The time before the iZompiepocalypse when everyone is walking in an upright posture and looking straight ahead paying attention to their surrounding area and where they're going. Fear the Walking Dead.
Thats a x-member called Hollywood he was kicked out of the HA and is dead now.
Three can keep a secret if two are dead.!
Damn... forgot how much better my building [khyber pass] and its twin next door looks without that ridiculous orange iron maiden gate, all because of the 2bro pizza assholes who could only NOT cleanup after themselves and were rude pieces of shit to tenants coming in and out of the building and would barely move but ended up assaulting a prior super
I also miss being able to have garbage cans outside the building.
The mural on the brick wall starting around 1:25 was on the side of the Fine Fare at East 4th and Ave C. I photographed it in 1978 when there was much less on the wall https://flic.kr/p/r4WaLM
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