Thursday, May 5, 2016

3 cheers (AGAIN) for Christo and Dora

[Photo today by Bobby Williams]

Goggla and Urban Hawks have visual confirmation that red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora have three nestlings (hawklets!) in Tompkins Square Park.

As Goggla noted, this is the third time in as many years that this hawk pair has had three kids. (Nine is enough?)

For all your Christo and Dora groupies, here's a video via Urban Hawks...


  1. Holy crap C. Talk about playing favorites!
    At least Pee Wee got the delicious delicacy tail (though almost choking on it).

  2. I always wanted to open a hawk themed bar. It's like having a birthday party every night!

  3. So great! Where are the first six? In what tree is the nest?

  4. Nine, huh? So now they can field their own baseball team! Hmm, wonder what a good team name would be...

    Seriously, happy Mother's Day to Dora, and enjoy the world, ya l'il fuzzballs.

  5. @bayou - if you walk into the park at the Ave B & 8th St entrance, the nest is right in front of you. There's also usually someone hanging around the immediate area with binoculars or a camera.

  6. Hawk themed bar or "restaurant" -- Christo + Dora

    specialty drinks
    the Red-Tailed Hawk

    1 1/2 oz. Gin/Vodka

    1 oz. Campari

    3/4 oz. Apricot Brandy

    3/4 ounce cranberry juice

    1 oz. Peach Schnapps

    Splash of Grenadine

    Food menu item
    weekly specials include seasonal locally sourced game bird with eggplant and acorn rubbed lime kraut salt

  7. Where do the babies go after they leave the nest? Do they stay in the vicinity?

  8. > the Red-Tailed Hawk

    > 1 1/2 oz. Gin/Vodka

    Vodka, definitely. The gin comes through the fruit flavors a bit too oddly. Other than that, I think you have a winner.

  9. I love Goggla's hawk diaries! This is so amazing getting to see whats going on above our heads.

  10. Thanks, Eden!

    @Kimberley - the young hawks leave the area after they learn to care for themselves, usually in the fall. They have to go find their own territory. Unfortunately, we have no idea where they go. I'd like to know as well.


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