Nara is a black-and-tan Shiba Inu. Last seen last night heading east on Houston at Second Avenue... details on the flyer.
Updated 5/22
There is now a $1,000 reward for her return...

H/T Steven
Updated 5/23
Unfortunately, there isn't a happy ending to this search. The Daily News has the tragic story.
:( Hope this dog is found safe and okay. I'll keep a look out.
This is so terrible. Nara's parent/s, I am so, so deeply sorry and sad for your tragic loss. Our animals are our family, they are our hearts, and my own heart breaks for you today.
Nara was an absolutely beautiful pup and I am sure she was greatly loved.
Everyone, give your little ones extra squeezes today, hold them tight.
This is a terrible tragedy. But something seems awry here. Shibas are like cats, and hate water. My Shiba won't go anywhere near water. Perhaps she fell, but she did not wade into the east river voluntarily.
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