... and San Marzano at Seventh Street...

... which includes a few tables positioned on the Seventh Street side...

These two join Brick Lane Curry House, which debuted its sidewalk cafe on Second Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street on June 15.
Photos by EVG contributor Steven
lamps huh, this overkill el fresco shit has got to stop.
Where are they plugged into? Are they solar powered? Or are they powered by the overwhelming obliviousness of their owners and their transient and tourist customers?
Stop the shitty fake Paris stuff, I don't care to look at people on our sidewalks.
All the windows in my apartment face onto Second Avenue and I can't fathom why anyone would want to dine on the avenue with all the noise, traffic, heat, fumes and excessive activity happening in all directions. It makes distraction with a side of indigestion a sport!
From an owners perspective, seats = money. Thousands of dollars extra per seat per year. This is a way for them to combat the insane EV rents, city fines and fees, new laws that put all of the financial responsibility on the small biz owner's shoulders ( paid sick, family leave, minimum wage increase.) If they run there stations responsibility and are respectful of the neighbors , I'm all for it.
Side streets with wide sidewalks, or back patios? Good for outdoor dining. Sitting 10 ft from 2nd ave, or where you can smell the trash from the curb about 5 ft away? Not so much.
Enough! There are too many sidewalk cafes on Second Avenue. They continuously block pedestrian traffic by over stepping their assigned boundry. An 8 foot space is supposed to be clear between the fencing and the curb, not the chairs and the curb. Groups of people waiting to get inside further exacerbate the problem making it impossible to pass by without being jostled or jostling someone on the sidewalk.
Whoever commented about this not being Paris is so right. In Paris their tables are kept clear of pedestrian paths and are so tightly packed together that you can barely lift your cup of coffee without your elbow hitting your neighbor. I'd like to see that here! Nobody would eat there.
Why do we pedestrians and residents of the EV have to suffer with this obvious disregard by restaurant owners for our betterment? All they care about is packing in more people....so just boycott those restaurants. They can't have my money and eat it too.
If you don't enjoy eating outside on 2nd, then don't, obviously people do as they are often full.
Yeah cos there's already so much excess space for pedestrians on Second Avenue as it is, why waste it on peons when there's money to be made by the liquor purveyors and Santa Con supporters? We residents don't matter any more anyway, have not for a while, and will less and less, if such a thing is even possible.
There's a sidewalk seating now at the bar on the NW corner of 13th and Avenue A (used to be Destination/Boysroom, I completely forget what it's currently called). It's only popped up in the past month. It's really not that terrible -- the area is a shitshow on weekends no matter what, so a few extra tables really don't make it much worse -- but at the same time I don't recall seeing them on the CB3-SLA dockets listed here at EVG as requesting a sidewalk permit.
Maybe they have a permit, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do wonder how many of these places just put out tables without going through the proper requests to do so.
13/A = The Spotted Owl
Why anyone would want to dine al fresco 10 feet from 2nd Avenue Traffic is beyond me. But hey, whatever works for you. Never saw a face there that I would recognize from the neighborhood.
The San Marzano tables are completely infringing on the sidewalk space of 2nd ave. They are taking up more than half the sidewalk. It's obnoxious and doesn't seem legal besides.
Beer store!
Agree totally. The fines, fees and new costs like paid sick leave, family leave, wage increases are a big reason its almost impossible to run a small business. But these things are overlooked. Its not always the property owners fault. Blame the city.
I don't mind these as long as there's enough space for pedestrians. To me, a bad offender is the bar/restaurant on the NW corner of Ave A and 1st St. I often have to cut through their table area as I walk because there isn't enough space to walk on that corner. Their barriers extend way too far into the sidewalk.
That'll be really nice once the sidewalk pee starts heating up and hanging in the air in July.
I like San Marzano - but those tables on 7th St -- right across from the explosion lot,no? -- are sooo unappealing. Weird if people choose to sit there.
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