Monday, June 6, 2016

Kanye West News Hour

The News Cycle on the aborted early-morning Kanye West show at Webster Hall shows no sign of cycling out... local news crew are camped out outside the venue on East 11th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue...

There are all sorts of first-person accounts from the Kanyefest/Pablo Mob, including at The New Yorker and Los Angeles Times.

And a passage from DNAinfo's reporting...

Neighbors who woke up to find their cars had been used as bleachers overnight were not amused.

"I thought it was going to be a quiet evening, a quiet day, and it was going to be safe," said optician Michael Gomez, 55, who parked his Chrysler and Impala in front of Webster Hall, and came back to find both had dents in the roofs and vomit on the ground nearby.

He estimated it will cost him thousands to fix his cars and says he cannot afford to make the repairs.

"I'm in shock. I'm stunned. I know I'm never going to park here again."

H/T EVG Pablo Mob correspondent Christine Champagne


  1. He should contact Kanye. I actually believe he'd pay for the repairs.

  2. If those idiots had been vandalizing CitiBikes the cops would have arrested them by the boatload. Kanye and Webster Hall should do the right thing and pay for all the damages.

  3. "I'm never going to park here again". C'mon son, it's not like this happens everyday. That could've happened anywhere, like when the buildings fell on 2nd ave. That fucking sucks though, only a piece of shit would step on or dent or scratch someone's car, these people were dumb idiot losers. I feel bad for the guy, that's really shitty. Must be annoying to have two street parked cars though in the neighborhood. Why would you even need both? Whatever.

  4. Are Webster Hall and Kayne West liable for damages to cars? Some lawyer on tv said they aren't. I think he's wrong. I doubt a jury would think the damage to cars was because of anything but rowdy Kayne West Webster Hall attendees and people who wanted to be them.

  5. @9:19pm: Quite right: had it been Citibikes, then there'd be outrage.

  6. The owners could try asking an does seem odd that it took so many hours to quell the crowds.

    And in another sign that Kayne is taking over my psyche, I dreamed I went to an ATM machine and it was dispensing 'money' called Kayne Bux. Seriously. I asked for $300 and was surprised that it was only good at nightclubs.

    Go figure.

  7. Enough about Kanye! C'mon.

  8. You park on the street, that's the chance you take. And as someone else pointed out, why on earth would anyone need or want two cars in the city?

    If you want some degree of protection from vandalism or theft park in a garage and pay $350/month or more. Why Mr. Gomez believes he should store his personal property on the public streets for free mystifies me. He's saved >$700 a month by parking on the street so he should have banked that to pay for repairs to the two vehicles.

    We need to get rid of this attitude the free long-term on-street parking is a human right. Everyone else who lives here and who doesn't have a car is subsidizing these freeloaders.

  9. And this block is about to have some brand new tenants across the street from Webster Hall. I guess they will have some problems renting/selling units.

  10. @9:53: Oh stop the crap about so-called "freeloaders" - he's paying his taxes just like the rest of us are; he's also paying vehicle registration and insurance. It's legal, so give it a rest. If it had only been ONE car, then you'd care?

    I guess you don't like any vehicles, including the trucks that bring EVERYTHING we need onto this ISLAND we live on.

    If you want to live vehicle-free, move to fantasy-land.

    Next you'll say pedestrians should pay a fee per block walked.

  11. P.S. Street parking isn't free during the day, six days a week. Just sayin'.

  12. Kanye West sucks! At music!

  13. Thank you @11am ... I just don't understand some reactions to these posts.

  14. The chance we take 9:53am? Um, no one should have their car destroyed ok? With your logic I should mug you for your wallet cuz hey, that's "the chance you take" by walking around with it, right? Dumbass.


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