Someone wrote a "Look up... Sometimes there are falcons" message in chalk right near where red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora have their nest with three youngins in Tompkins Square Park.
I'm thinking the message leaver:
• Was trying to be funny
• Doesn't know the difference between a falcon and a red-tailed hawk
• Was suggesting a band name — Sometimes There Are Falcons is pretty cool.
"Look up from your phone dumbass"
I think it's some kinda reference to Atlanta. I think.
Smart, Grieve. Those first two options didn't even occur to me.
I'm betting they don't know the difference between a falcon and a hawk. I can't tell you how many times I hear, "It's a falcon/eagle/owl!" One guy even said - and I kid you not - "Oh look, a cat!"
I should also note there sometimes ARE falcons, but they are usually soaring high.
Oh you mean the band "They Might Be Falcons".
Another Cooper Union Art Project??? Getting kind of tired of them.
Its a Ford Falcon
For some reason this reminds me of a 1970s band, The Fruit-Eating Bears; they performed a song called "Gimme Back My Foreskin," which made me laugh so hard when I heard it that I literally fell on the club floor.
maybe they do know the difference. sometimes there are falcons:
Someone should remake The Birds with Naomi Watts.
@3:12. And the song is on Youtube, but by the Gizmos. "Why oh why I'd have to be circumcised/who made decision sure wasn't wise." You were rolling on the floor laughing before it became an abbreviation.
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