Thursday, June 9, 2016

[UPDATED] Ramona (aka Bear) is lost

Via the EVG inbox...

Updated 3:57 p.m.

Ramona has been found! We don't have all the details... apparently she is a little banged up and is at the vet, but she is fine. Thank you to everyone who helped, tweeted, etc.


  1. C'mon East Village -- let's mobilize to find this little one. We can do it.

    I have a tiny tabby girl myself and I could not live without her. Ramona-Bear, please let yourself be found very soon


  2. I live on 6th between A and B and thought I heard a cat crying outside this morning--that would be in the backyards between 5th and 6th streets. Unfortunately I don't have access to the yard myself, but maybe those on the block who do will keep their eyes peeled for her.

  3. So which is it, Ramona or Bear?

  4. RAMONA BEAR! I am so happy that you are OK, but do not run away again, little one! These kittens and their adventures, I swear they will be the death of us all.


  5. Yay! Get well soon Ramona Bear! (Pharrell's "Happy" playing in my head right now.)

  6. Everyone PLEASE get your cat microchipped.

    The vet around the corner from me microchips cats for only $85 so I'd imagine it costs the same give or take in/around the East Village.


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